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no where did it say hot and fast, and you must have posted the wrong thread because that brisket was crutched! unless you just wrapped it in paper for holding :wink:

Texas crutch is foil, not paper. Please come to the NT Bash so you can see how stick burning is done. And tuck in your ignorance. It is showing :thumb:
also, it seems that hot and fast has become quite popular around here but I havent seen anyone cook a brisket hot and fast from start to finish without using some form of help , be it braising the meat in foil, injecting, etc.

:crazy: I dont wrap or inject or pan.........300-325* whole cook on my charcoal cookers........but Ive only done 50(+) this stickburners bounce between 250 n 325*.......I have wrapped a few in Butcher paper but Most of the time do not......
My dear, departed mother had a term for someone just saying stuff to get folk riled up.

Wasn't "pot stirrer"- it was the other one- believe it started with an "S". :grin:

wrap, don't wrap, wrap with what, when, why? Didn't bbq used to be "easier" years ago?
:crazy: I dont wrap or inject or pan.........300-325* whole cook on my charcoal cookers........but Ive only done 50(+) this stickburners bounce between 250 n 325*.......I have wrapped a few in Butcher paper but Most of the time do not......
Smitty just best not to bother with this one, dude has all the answers and knows all. :roll:
Letting your cooker "run where it wants" just means your cooker is running with the given coal bed/wood size that you are used to building. It's imperative to know your cooker, accessories, and your fire starting habits.

Pretty much this^