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Be sure to stop by our camp and say hello! Rhana and I will be giving a Hot-N-Fast lecture @ 2:20 ish...along with some samples! We are super excited to get the nod to compete with the best this year...:clap:

I can't go, to far away.
Care to post any of that lecture on here? :becky:
Well, life just kicked me in the bizzals and therefore unable to make it today. I wish the competitors well, hope the visitors have a wonderful time, and that boat loads of $$ are raised for 2 worthy causes
This was an insanely great event. I went out there with a co-worker and a friend of his. It was my first look up close at comp BBQ and it was pretty fantastic. I do realize that this is not a typical contest btw.

The talks by the competitors were great, and there samples were unbelievable. Got to meet a few Brethren in person, saw some I already knew, and had a really great time. Moving forward, attending this event will be a priority for me and the folks who went with me today. I'll put up some pix a little later.
Jamie Geer talks pits.


Sweet Swine O'Mine talks about differences between KCBS and MBN among other things. Crazy good brisket and pork here.


Turkey Breast with Swamp Boys - great stuff!


Steph shared knowledge about rubs and served up some delicious pork loin.


JD McGee talked hot n fast and served up some awesome ribs.


Harry Soo discussed the building blocks of a chicken rub - sweet, salt, pepper and spice. Some great chicken samples were passed around.


There were many other things going on and great samples from everybody. Operation BBQ, of which I am proud to be a founding member, was vending and I got the best ribs I have ever had there today - a nice crispy (not really the right word but I can't think of a better one right now) bark and super tender in just the right way. Cool farkers over there, as well as the guys who were doing the vending. BBQ Grail was there as well.

My friends and I left there with our minds thoroughly blown by the great food and the great people. This was an event done right and we will be back every time.

Sterling, I am impressed that you have the vision and ability to pull off something like this. This was a really exceptional afternoon - thank you.
You ALMOST got me in that Jamie Greer shot! Glad you didn't LOL. Great presentations all around and a 6 Star event. A special thanks to Sterling for allowing us to set up the CBBQA tent.
King of the Smoker 2013

The weather report showed there could be "rain" two times during the day. The only moisture that happened wouldn't get paper wet. This photo is a view from where the teams had breakfast Competition morning. The teams could enjoy it there or get it to go .

some random photos from the event






One of the many events. During this one there was a little light hearted smack talking with Matt of Left Coast Q about his brisket, whose was across they way. The second photo, Left Coast Q receiving their first place check in Brisket.



If you know any of the teams call them next week and ask what they think about the event. We already have it on the calendar for next year.
I forgot to put up the pick of the trophies - how farking cool are these? I heard they were fully functional and I am not at all surprised.


Another thing I wanna add - one thing that became very clear to me is how next level these people cook. There is an obvious difference between the results a backyard dude like me gets and the results that come from cooking week in and week out, tweaking things, trying things, and really focusing on making an amazing product.

I have always said that music is most properly played by people who have made huge sacrifices in other areas of their life in the pursuit of greatness (the same can be said for art, sports, business, etc.), and yesterday it hit me like a hammer over the head that the same principle applies to cooking. These people put a lot of love, dedication, and hard work into what they cook, and it really shows. It was a delicious and humbling experience!
Big Thanks to Sterling,the Ernie Ball and BPS staff and the La Quinta Resort..ALL of you did an awesome job..I'd like to give a special thanks to Jessie Fleiscman she handled a TON of requests from all of the teams and pulled it off without a hitch..great job Jessie! you can tell by the pics and feedback this event is top notch all the way around..congrats to Tippy and Scott on the GC and RGC's and the rest of those that took a walk.
The team was unreal and made me look good....They would have made Scottie look good too!

there were 14 people with in ear communication to make sure that the cooks were taken care of. The entire site was restored to better than before by 10am Sunday morning....We were able to raise $207,000 for Casey lee Ball Foundation....that was before Darren and Sherry donated all of their winnings back to the CLB and then Scott and Katy Nelson from Pigskin donated all of their RGC and category winnings back too....WE raised $10,000 for operation BBQ relief and Big Poppa SMokers will match all donations that mention King of the SMoker this week up to $5,000. That will potentially raise $20,000 for OBR...So a BBQ event raised nearly $250,000 in one day....Thats all going to charity without any administrative expenses, salaries or other 100% donation.

The La Quinta Resort gave BBQ a stage and service that you would usually expect for a high end wine or caviar festival.....but they respect and understand BBQ and us bbq people and could not have done a better or more first class job....they donated all the competitors casitas, Three dinners, boxed lunch, and a fabulous breakfast on saturday...for the people stuck in the storms they rented them $400 per night rooms for $75 per night.

Stan and Will and all from OBR knocked the vending out of the park. Great food

Mark Lambert got up at 3 to cook a hog for our dinner on friday...I cooked 8 blocks of Strube Ranch Wagyu Strip loin donated by Strube Ranch

Strube Ranch also donated all of the briskets for the competition

Will and Amy Wilson from Snider Brothers Meats donated the ribs and pork butts for the OBR vending

BJ's Brewhouse wrote a huge check that helped us get where we got... Many of my friends including my biggest competitor in the gutiar business wrote checks.

The great part is how the teams represented BBQ.....unreal.
I'm glad that you mention me in your second sentence.

,congratulations on a successful fundraising effort.