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Full Fledged Farker
Dec 4, 2008
Saugus, CA
A little over a week away until the second King of the Smoker. We went last year and are going again. Honestly any Southern California BBQ folks take a road trip and check this out. There is nothing like this. The venue and how it is set up for the teams is unbelievable. After turn ins last year a lot of teams gave informational talks at their sites. Check out the King of the Smoker website for a overview photo of where the teams will be and more info. Big Poppa who is a member puts this event on. If I could only go to one BBQ comp a year it would be this one.
My wife and I will be attending. Since we finally decided to take the plunge and give competition a try, reading just about everything here at the Brethren and on the net, (My eyes and head hurt :shock:) I'm hoping to get some pointers straight from some of the best and check out your set-ups and this is close to home.

Good luck to all those competing!!

I'm really looking forward to checking this out. I was all set to go last year, but it turned out to be the one - and only - Saturday I had to work last year. :doh:
Lol...yep! While I am talking about HNF Rhana will be sampling out our leftover comp meats...:cool:

Sounds great, I will have to stop by as well. As your time is scheduled for 2:20pm, this is a HNF Brisket discussion, correct? Since Matt is supposed to be running the 2nd discussion session, does this make yours the 1st of the 10?
Also make sure to stop by and say hi to my friends Andy and Kim Groneman of Smoke on Wheels. Two of the nicest folks in BBQ and great cooks. :thumb: And if you get the chance, make sure to listen to him give his presentation. As a science teacher, I really appreciate his understanding and explanation of the science of bbq at the cellular level.
I will check Smoke on Wheels (and probably everyone who is gracious enough to share their knowledge) out. If we are talking about the science of bbq at the cellular level, I'm guessing at brines/injections/phosphates
Looking forward to this event! I had a ton of fun last year and those short sessions are awesome!

Good luck to all the competitors!
I too will also be doing a little west coast offense demo..We will have our normal comp meats and I'll also be doing a few other quick cooking meats(brined pork chops and rib eyes)really looking forward to this one and the challenge it travels to all of you coming out and you local guys stop on by.
I will check Smoke on Wheels (and probably everyone who is gracious enough to share their knowledge) out. If we are talking about the science of bbq at the cellular level, I'm guessing at brines/injections/phosphates

Exactly. :thumb: