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I missed last years (dog had to be rushed to the e.r, that alone will tell you I am married LOL) but will be there this year all day and we are manning the CBBQA booth from 4-4:30 I think. Stop by and say "Hey", I always like meeting other Brethren.
Sounds great, I will have to stop by as well. As your time is scheduled for 2:20pm, this is a HNF Brisket discussion, correct? Since Matt is supposed to be running the 2nd discussion session, does this make yours the 1st of the 10?

HNF briskets and butts...:cool: I think ours is the second lecture...
we are going to raise about $200,000 for charity at this years King of the Smoker. There is competition, great food, classes from the masters and is ONE of the artists playing at King of the Smoker

tickets are $20 and 100% of the proceeds got the pediatric kidney resea and Operation BBQ relief.
That meatloaf comment made my day rub...see ya in perry....potluck friday i think corree will have to make meatloaf....good luck out there rub.
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I was excited to go before. Now that I have read the posts and sched of talks, I AM BEYOND EXCITED.
Thanks to all and good luck to those competing.

Looks like we have Good California weather for the event. If you can make it come see what goes on. Big Poppa is out of control with the lengths he has gone to make this a Premiere BBQ Event. I say that in regard to the first one. I know him well enough that this one has to be better. He wouldn't have it any other way. I added a couple of photos that shows a small part of where the teams are set up. It gives you a idea how nice it will be for seeing all the teams when the event start at 1:30