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That dude with the slick pimp hat from the dessert? Now I'm really gonna get my ass stomped.

Hey, whats everybody cooking on? I can't decide if I'm gonna use "Mr. Meat Smoker" (ecb) and or the Weber kettle, OR drag that heavy ass Barbi Chef thats only been used one time now.

Hmmmm, I wanna compete in all catagories but not yet sure if I have enough space with only one cooking vessel.
With all the crying and whining, I think you better bring the whole farking kitchen! :-D

That dude with the slick pimp hat from the dessert? Now I'm really gonna get my ass stomped.

Hey, whats everybody cooking on? I can't decide if I'm gonna use "Mr. Meat Smoker" (ecb) and or the Weber kettle, OR drag that heavy ass Barbi Chef thats only been used one time now.

Hmmmm, I wanna compete in all catagories but not yet sure if I have enough space with only one cooking vessel.
Thom is whimping out, something about root canal..woos! :p We have room for 3 more, I am sure at this point we aint gonna get anymore, but Saturday 7-28-07 is the deadline! Will see you all in a week!
Dude, bring it and cook. I have two other buddies who have also volunteered but I told them no. I can get another drinking partner, I mean pit bitch.

Well then that settles it, there are gonna be three teams from Huntington cooking. Lets add one more team to the list "HB BBQ".

ps: I didnt want to leave ya hanging Country as I am a man of my word. Although if that was gonna be my title for the event I would have had to reconsider as I aint nobody's biaaatch :lol:
Well then that settles it, there are gonna be three teams from Huntington cooking. Lets add one more team to the list "HB BBQ".

ps: I didnt want to leave ya hanging Country as I am a man of my word. Although if that was gonna be my title for the event I would have had to reconsider as I aint nobody's biaaatch :lol:

I think you're gonna be Bubbles' biaaatch!! :eek: :icon_sick

Thanks for being honorable!
Get ready!

We have a 10th, and I believe final team, HB-BBQ. Welcome, Dang glad to have you!

So our teams look like this:
Blast Off BBQ
Burnt By The Best
Smoke You Out BBQ
Four Q
Funtime BBQ
Notley Q
Rancho Rocke
Single Fin Smoker
Smell My Butts

Along with our esteemed panel of judges we are going to have a guest!

Chris Rocke, our illustrious host has had contact with Frank Mickadeit a reporter with the OC Register. He had approched Chis asking if he could come and join us, and could he judge. Chris told him the judging was full, but has ask him to judge a "Reporter's Choice" entry. He has a background in Santa Maria style BBQ, and recently wrote a column in the Register about his search for red oak to cook with. He will do a little write up about the BackYard experience in the Registier! Chris will provide mats for Frank and containers for each team for this turn in. What Chris thought he would have Frank do is just judge each of the 4 turn-ins and pick just one of each catagory as the best.

Teams, I had assumed that all teams would be turning in an "Anything Butt". But since it does not count towards the GC and RGC, it is not mandatory! What I will say is Mr. Mickadeit will be judging all 4 catagories in his quest to find the "Reporters Choice" awards. So if you want a shot at fame, turning in that "Anything Butt", might get you that 15 minutes of fame you are seeking! I will need the teams to have the regular turn-in boxes with at least 6 pieces or portions, it can be more. But we would ask you to have 1 extra piece of chicken, rib, tri-tip and anything butt if you so chose, for Frank to judge. As stated above, Frank will chose 1 of each of those catagories for an award. As stated above Chris will provide both the scoring place mat for Frank and the turn in containers for the 4 entries. Chris has also stated he will have a small prize for each of those 4 winners!

We have spots for 2 more teams! You have untill tomorrow if you want to enter, then we need to shut the door so Chris and Kelly can start doing their jobs of assigning spaces and entering team names for scoring respectivly.

Looking forward to next week. All teams, be sure to "Eat Your Wheaties" that morning, you are gonna need it! Suit up and show up!
OK - We are official - Entries are closed as of 6 PM today with 10 teams. Ladies and gentlemen, we see you all on Saturday, bright and early!