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"Lowering the bar", as they say Mr. Rocke. I am so excited for this opportunity. Thanks to all the Bretheren(Bently, Bigmista etc.) for putting this together and including me in this event. Special thanks to CRocke and his family for hosting all of us at his Rancho Rocke Estate. I was a spectator at the last one and saw how much fun it was.
I only brought beer last time. This time its the refugee kettle and Mr. Meat Smoker........and maybe some more beer..
Will have a contestant map out to Bentley tonite. We have the street for the contest. Remember to bring/make a little extra product for the neighbors and PD to sample on Saturday.

Does anyone need directions?
Yeah, I got the best spot! Thats right, that's what happens to champions! Losers get nothing! :twisted:

That didn't have anything to do with you being GC. You're there because of your trailer and the fact that your pellet pooper needs electricity.

At least that's what I'm going to believe because we were reserve and we're across the street...:twisted:
Can't make it! It is Fiesta in Santa Barbara this weekend and we have a annual family thing on Saturday and need to be good! My nieces are in the parade!

Hope you guys have a blast! I will be making plenty of Margaritas (hiccup in advance)

We have a special place and arrangements made for you!!!

Seriously, each space will be marked for you, and your space is #8. We got you covered buddy. As for ashes, I am working on plan for this.