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Tom Sellecks Mustache

Full Fledged Farker
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, AZ
I cooked up some chicken leg quarters last night and I hadn't noticed before, but it seems like an awful lot of smoke is escaping my OTG, more so that what is coming out of the vent. I do have one of those lid holders that hangs over the lip, so that is the source of most of the leak, but it seems like it's pretty much flowing from all around the lid.


This pic kind of captures it, but it was a lot more noticeable when it was still heating up and the smoke was thicker. Is this something I should be looking into sealing, or is this just not that big of a deal?

Oh ya, and as promised, a little pron for your Thursday morning :biggrin1:


Mine does that as well, Kettles are tough to get completely sealed. I wouldn't worry about it unless it is having an impact on your cooks. I've seen some folks on here fashion a gasket of sorts out of foil, which I have done when I use the rotisserie attachment, because that has some pretty big leaks, but for normal cooks, I don't worry about it.

And that is some great looking chicken and mac & cheese, yummmmmmmmm!

The lid hanger may have been causing a little air gap. Take it off next time and see if it changes. Was your top vent open all the way?
Ya, the top vent was wide open. It doesn't seem to add much time I don't think, although I haven't really done too much just yet with it. Those quarters were done in just over an hour, so I don't think it's too bad. Only reason I have that lid holder is because, as the pic shows, my backyard is mostly dirt so I didn't want to set the lid down and pull dirt onto the food.
Ya, the top vent was wide open. It doesn't seem to add much time I don't think, although I haven't really done too much just yet with it. Those quarters were done in just over an hour, so I don't think it's too bad. Only reason I have that lid holder is because, as the pic shows, my backyard is mostly dirt so I didn't want to set the lid down and pull dirt onto the food.

isn't there a hook on the underside of the lid to hook it to the edge of the kettle?
Easy fix

Take that lid hanger bracket off the lip and bolt to the side of your kettle after doing what Ron L said. IMO
The hanger type attachments, like that & the condiment rack & others will pull the lid off it's seal just a bit.......I normally just compensate by running a bit more fuel & a bit wider vent seems beat always open.....

doesn't seem to have affected things too much, your chicken looks great & real even from the pics !!!!t