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is Blowin Smoke!
Feb 25, 2017
Killeen, TX
Name or Nickame
Hey All,

I was looking at YouTube and I saw a relatively unique model of an offset smoker (traditional flow). The person who built it goes by "Kerry Fixed It" and he has some very cool ideas.

The idea of a diffuser, along with a collector, makes a lot of sense to me. It appears as though it works very well, and I don't think I've really seen anything similar.
Interesting concept with that diffuser between the firebox and cook chamber. It seems somewhat similar to the Goldee's smoker design where there's a 90-degree pipe bend between the firebox and cook chamber.
very interesting information. I did some reading on pathway and smoke management after he mentioned it. makes what he's doing seem to have good roots. he may have just begun a new trend. especially with the costs of fuel(wood, charcoal etc) continuing to rise.
I was going to mention the Goldee's design when watching the video, so pleased to have my thoughts validated.

Interestingly this design, and Goldee's (IMHO) is not thought through enough.

(Holy Sheet... what did he say there?)

Yep. The Firebox to Smoke Chamber join in both cases can be improved to have the ability to seperate. Kerry and Goldee's smokers are a bit of a bugger to move around and transport. Add two more wheels to the firebox and stabilise the smoker the same way. Then you can have a separated design so easy for moving about. To join the parts, use bolts or clips and have the parts sealed with a gasket like those on a BGE.

That would make the smoker a lot more versatile. You could even add a lid to the firebox and use it as a grill without the large smoker chamber being in the picture.

My 2 cents.

OF course I can't weld for sh!t.
