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Knows what a fatty is.
Nov 5, 2012
That I really appreciate all of you that has ever taken the time out of your day to answer any questions I've had, give advice, lend some supporting words when my Dad died, and cheered me on during one of my cooks.

It's truly sad that in this day and age, everyone is too busy to take time out and enjoy company. The older I get(and I'm only 38 ), the less "friends" you seem to least for me. I've begged several of my friends, even my best friend from school, to come over and I'll fire up the grill, yet no one comes. :sad: BBQ'ing isn't just about the food.It's an event. It's about good friends gathering around the grill/pit and just enjoying the company. It's meant for sharing. Sharing friendship, good times, good laughs, advice on anything, and good Q.

I understand money is tight, especially going into this time of year. Believe me, I know about it! I'm paying child support on 4 kids, and that leaves very little for me and the wife. But ya know, there's more to everything than just money. Yeah, we can go out and drop $$$ on ribs,butts,brisket, etc etc. But the reward of having those experiences and having friends there with you is worth every single penny.

This is gonna be my first Thanksgiving without my Dad. I made several posts about him back in April/May, but have no clue where those posts disappeared to. They were moved, but I can't find them. I'll be honest with you, it's gonna suck not having him here...especially since I'm doing my very first smoked turkey for Thanksgiving. I always wanted his approval so bad when I cooked. Whenever he was over while I was cooking, he was the first one to try a bite. And for those few seconds, I held my breath in hopes that he liked it.

Anyway, I just wanted to take a second and say thank you for your guidance,support,thoughts,prayers, and more importantly, your friendship. Even though I've never met any of you, I feel a bond every time I log onto this site. For that, I am thankful.

I'm thinking that we should have a gathering someone close so all the Brethren within 1-10 hours can meet up and fire up some pits and enjoy good times,good food,and good friends.I'm hoping to be able to save enough money to make it to Memphis for MIM. Not to cook (I'm broke, but it would be AWESOME to actually compete/be on a team there!) but at least to just walk around and take in the sights,the food, and meet any potential Brethren that's there.

Again, sorry for the long post. And I tip my hat to you all.:clap:

Thoughts and prayers for you and your Family.... And my Pit and grill are always welcome for some Brethren .. If only we all lived close to each other :becky: what a gathering it would be
Sorry for the loss of your dad Birgy. Like dadsr4 said, I bet he's there with you!

I agree with you, people are too busy to get together, and they don't realize how short life really is.
Have you thought about starting a thread in the "Brethren Bash" section?

There might be Brethren living close to you that would be up for a gathering.

I'd come if I lived closer. Hard for me to get away sometimes. I need to change that and listen to my own's too short! :grin:
Prayers and good thoughts to you. I know the feeling and I have lost a few of my best friends in the past 10 years.... If I was in your neck of the woods I would certainly not pass up an opportunity to bbq with you. Good friends are made around the pit!
As someone who has lost a mother and a mother-in-law during the Holidays, I truly feel your pain and loss.

Your father can see you, and he is proud that you get up every morning and continue the journey he started for you.

Like others have said, your brers and sisses are here for you.
Nice post and I'm sorry about your loss.

I lost my dad when I was 30 and it left a giant hole in our family. I know how you feel. I love cooking because of my dad. He was a great home cook and baker and always made everyone feel warm and welcome.

Appreciate the time you had with him and make new memories with your family!! That is what is important now.

I hope you can get together with your friends soon!
I will keep you and him in mind this holiday season. He will always be with you. My grandpa always smoked the turkey for us. We didn't have one for years after he passed. I prayed that he would guide my hand last year since it was the first one I've ever done and it turned out great. He will be with you every step of your life from here on out!
One thing that might help is to remember how your father handled a loss in his life. He may have set you an example to follow.
I'm very sorry for your loss birgey. It is a hard thing on a man to lose his Dad, mine died in my arms and I wondered if I would ever resume a happy life without him. He didn't BBQ much, but we went hunting every chance we could. I still love to hunt and I know that he is enjoying it as much as when we were together (we still are). If your Dad liked BBQing, then that is what you can continue doing together and it will still be a special occasion each time yall lite up the pit. As others have said, we all love you and will be praying for God to give you solace.
Hey,my friend,I live just South of Memphis,TN.I went to the MIM 2 Years ago and met some GREAT people from this forum.Really great guys.I could not make it back this past year because of $ome factors that we all understand.I was sad that I could not attend.It was really cool putting faces with names.When MIM rolls around this year,IF I can swing it,I would be honored for you and the wife to be my guest.Very proud of you for your insight into life and very sad for your loss.God Bless and Godspeed!
There's not a day I don't thing of the lost ones in my life.
Each time you light up your cooker... just smile, look up to the sky, and be proud.

Your dad... done good - raising a thoughtful son.