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Looks so simple and so good. I still have dreams of my Grandma's tomato gravy spooned over the lightest, fluffiest biscuits to grace God's green earth.

It was always a "breakfast" thing. Never had meatballs with it...but I will.

Thanks for sharing.
Great looking grub.

Aside: It was the want of a good tomato that got me into gardening 30 some years ago. I grew a lot of different varieties at first. After a while I settled my efforts at heirlooms, specifically Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra and Black Krim.

What 'maters are you growing?
Heck yeah Paul, another fine comfort meal! Looks fantastic!
Glad to see you're still raising a garden. It's hard to do without one. :thumb:
My wife says your tomato garden looks great. I have a feeling I will be tasked to plant a similar style soon.
Great looking grub.

Aside: It was the want of a good tomato that got me into gardening 30 some years ago. I grew a lot of different varieties at first. After a while I settled my efforts at heirlooms, specifically Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra and Black Krim.

What 'maters are you growing?

i grew up growing big boy and better boy..... i still grow them along with Atkinson which is pretty disease resistant.... always wanted to try some heirlooms

Heck yeah Paul, another fine comfort meal! Looks fantastic!
Glad to see you're still raising a garden. It's hard to do without one. :thumb:

thx Jen i love fresh vegetables... especially ones i grew

Looks so simple and so good. I still have dreams of my Grandma's tomato gravy spooned over the lightest, fluffiest biscuits to grace God's green earth.

It was always a "breakfast" thing. Never had meatballs with it...but I will.

Thanks for sharing.

Shoot mater gravy on a biscuit is the bomb!!!!!

That looks really really good Paul, thanks for sharing.

Thx Bill i try to stick to what i know and my roots!!!!!
Oh man, that looks great! Its fun to see a generational recipe thats proven itself over time. ..stomach is growling.