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Babbling Farker

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Jul 11, 2011
Tuscaloosa Alabama
My mom was very frugal and made the most of everything.... we had a few meals that were staples and that is what we ate all the time... she made homemade tomato gravy and meat balls when tomatoes were in season... always had a big garden..... so i decided to make me some mater gravy and meatballs last night,,,, very simple meal.....

got to have some plants first... right... we lost our big garden spot when we built our new shop... so now we just piddle.... this is outside my bedroom




meatballs were made of ground sirloin... i assure you we did not have ground sirloin growing up.....peppers out of the little garden and onion......


tomatoes peeled and ready to go


used the drippings to make the gravy... then added the tomatoes


also made some fried eggplant from the Japanese eggplant out of the little garden area... We really love fried eggplant


meat is looking good


into the tomato gravy......


plated up with some mashed taters.... cant believe we forgot to make cornbread..... but after the day in the shop.... i was hungry

very simple but very good... next time i post it will be off the smoker or grill

Wow! Tomato gravy is going on my to do list. Sounds good. I like fried eggplant also. That along with zucchini, green tomatos, cucumbers, okra and pickles.
Killing me...............

Great cook! :thumb:

My tomato plants are long, tall and sassy looking, loaded with a bunch of them......but they're still green. I'm hoping August brings me my tomatoes. I look forward to them every summer. :-D
Goodness gracious that looks delicious. I miss my granny so much. She was a guru with tomatoes, eggplant, and turnips. Your dish and little garden bring back great memories.
I only have one thing to say!!! Where is my plate? Gotta love some old time cooking. I just wish I had some of the recipes of what my mother used to come up with back when I was growing up. She never wrote any thing down but she came up with some great food for us. We also had a large garden and always had plenty of fresh vegies. Thanks for posting.
My mom was very frugal and made the most of everything.... we had a few meals that were staples and that is what we ate all the time... she made homemade tomato gravy and meat balls when tomatoes were in season... always had a big garden..... so i decided to make me some mater gravy and meatballs last night,,,, very simple meal.....

I had not heard of this before, but man that looks ridiculously good. Very nice cook!