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is one Smokin' Farker
Feb 28, 2018
Name or Nickame
I decided to whip up a batch of jambalaya for the LSU game this past weekend. It had been a while since I'd made it so it just felt right.

First, I started with dicing onion, bell pepper, and celery. I usually use green bell pepper but I had the red and orange pepper at home so I just rolled with it.

Then I had 2.5 lbs of andouille from a local sausage maker, 2.5 lbs of boston butt and 2.5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken thighs all cubed up or sliced


Next I browned the pork really well on all sides and letting it stick to the pan to help build the gratin to form the color of the jambalaya.


Next the chicken thighs get the same treatment and then the sausage goes in just to get a little color



Finally you add in the veggies and let them sweat down and help loosen the gratin on the bottom of the dutch oven. After a few minutes you scrape the bottom of the pan with the veggies and they start to take on a nice brown color and help form the color of your jambalaya


After the veggies are cooked, add in the necessary amount of stock, bring back to a rolling boil and then add your long grain rice. After the pot returns to a boil again, let it go for a few minutes until the rice starts to jump out of the pot (I forgot to take a picture during this stage, my pot was 99.99% full and I was more focused on not spilling or burning the house down). Then, cover and turn heat to low and let ride 25 minutes or so. Once that is done, fluff the rice and let sit covered off the heat for 10ish minutes. After that, you'll end up with something similar to this


Also not pictured is the french bread that I made and the boudin that I smoked.
When did you add the meat back in? When you add the water for the first boil? Or at the end when you simmer?

Also, what other spices do you add?

Forgot that part, add the meat back in once the vegetables are cooked and before the stock.

For spices I seasoned the meat with slap ya mama and then added some of that and additional garlic, cayenne, salt and white pepper to the pot once the stock was in. You'll want it a little overly salty before you put the rice in

Also, I use an excel spreadsheet that was built by a few people in Louisiana. It really makes this a simple process.
hmmm- Had gumbo for that (great) game... it's long gone.

Wife was just asking what we'd have today.

Looks like we have a winner.

Thanks for posting it.
Awesome cook Erik!

Thank you for sharing the recipe and spreadsheet with us. :)
As I was reading this, I was thinking, "he must be using the Jambalaya Calculator". I was right. Nicely done.

Louisianans get pretty fired up at all of the abominations that get labeled jambalaya. You did a damn good job there. That is what is supposed to be. No file', tofu, octopus, or pumpkin, etc.

I'd love to try that.

Swine Spectator