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Time to burn some sticks
Nice smoker. What was your final price? It looks great, so even at $250, I would say well worth it.
1st cook is in the books. Went fairly well. It cooked pretty bottom heavy. The top of the meat was around 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the bottom. I hope to do a biscuit test in it soon. Do you guys usually flip your meat when cooking on a stick burner? I usually put the fat towards the heat in my other cookers, so I am not sure to put the fat up or down on this thing yet
It will take some practice (and good eating as a result) to learn the characteristics and temperaments of your smoker, for instance, when I had my Ok Joe Highlander, I would shift the ribs or butts around during cooking or when wrapping so that they would cook evenly. Knowing that the heat was coming from the bottom, flipping the tri tip during cooking would have given you more even temps and doneness. Looks tasty, though.