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Renewed a couple weeks ago. I'm officially a two timer now, LOL. Plan to continue. Worth every penny and the great part is I could still participate if I was broke and couldn't subscribe. I have been there. Thanks for a great BBQ experience.
Great reminder, thanks. I'm only in my 3rd year, but continuing to subscribe is one of the best decisions I've made. Great folks, great information and whenever I have a question the Brethren are my go-to.

It is amazing how some of these guys will go way out of their way to help a fellow brethren.:wink:
I love this place and call it home. Can't pay property taxes or rent for $25 a year! :razz:

On a serious note, I love how much I have learned about cooking and the great friends I've made. I've never met a single person on this forum... yet there are farkers here that know me better than some of my relatives. The Woodpile has expanded my education tremendously, too. :biggrin1:
I am on my second term, and figure it is money very well spent. I have learned more from this site since I joined than I learned in the previous 69 or so years. You can't buy this information from any other source for any amount of money.

As to all the brethren, it reminds me of the extra large porch on my favorite aunt's ranch house in Tehuacana TX. A gathering place for family and friends to sit and visit and share their knowledge on anything and everything.

My Wife and I are up again next month. As others have said, It's the best bargain on the internet. My BBQ learning curve was literally cut by years if I had to gain this knowledge through trial and error. Not to mention the amount of high $$ meat I would have wasted.

Rock On Brethren! :thumb: