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Knows what a fatty is.
Jan 29, 2008
Wilson, NY
Perhaps I missed it in the rules...

I get how KCBS breaks ties in the individual categories: consider taste only, then tenderness, then appearance, then add in the low scores, then flip a coin. But what about overall scores? If there's a tie for GC or RCG, how does it get broken?

--frank in Wilson, NY
We lost a tiebreaker for RGC year before last at Salt Lake City. For each category,

The low score will be thrown out. Results will be tallied. If there is a tie in one of the categories, it will be broken by the computer, as follows: The scores will be compared (counting all five judges) for the highest cumulative scores in taste, then tenderness, then appearance. If still tied, then the low score, which was thrown out, will be compared and the higher of the low scores will break the tie. If still tied,
then a computer generated coin toss will be used.

When tiebreaking for overall, the brisket scores are compared; we were again tied.
Then the scores for taste, tenderness etc are compared, and somewhere along the line it's going to get broken -- the odds on having to resort to a coin toss on overall are astronomically remote.

Trust me, after having been out of the money by a freaking TIE, I don't want to hear any of you farkers whining about two-ten-thousandths of a point. :roll:
Trust me, after having been out of the money by a freaking TIE, I don't want to hear any of you farkers whining about two-ten-thousandths of a point. :roll:
A couple years ago at the qlossal the GC and RGC were separated by .0002 and that was about a $6,000 difference.