Homemade sausage on the MAK pellet grill


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Dec 18, 2010
Made 2 different types of sausage, both in hog casings:
1. Chicken with pork back fat, basil, Roma tomatoes, garlic, salt, red wine vinegar, red wine, olive oil and sun dried tomatoes. Really good stuff.
2. Spicy roasted poblano sausage with lots of good stuff and a couple roasted Habaneros.
Here are the Poblano sausages
And here are both sets of sausages plated. Damn but making sausage is fun and rewarding!!!

Thanks for looking!
Those look fantastic! Once you make your own, there's no going back. I have yet to try making chicken sausage, but that will likely be my next batch. Excellent work!
Can you send some to me.......pretty please :grin: They sure look good!

One day I'll work up the courage to try my hand at some of my own. Thanks for sharing.
Marty, is that Michael Ruhlman's chicken recipe? I just made some last week but haven't cooked it yet. The test patties were super delicious but pretty oily(not fatty). Did you have this same issue? If so was the finished sausage that oily? I think I might have messed up my ratio.
Go BOld or - Go HOME! One mistake we make is to
make more mild than crazy - Marty - yours look jam packed with flavor and goodness!
Those are talkin to me. How well did the chicken bind together? Have yet to do chicken sausage. I do have some meat glue at the ready but would like to know if I need it before using it. Did you use any powdered milk or egg?