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Rick, it is nine in the morning and now I'm craving a burger - but without ketchup - fresh tomatoes are on my vine along with some fresh Serrano's...beautiful burger ya got there.
Great looking burgers Rick. I love stuffed burgers but you have to use two patties. never thought of making a well, filling it, and covering with a cheese blanky. Very nice!

Can't beat the taste of fresh jalapenos. Every time I go to one of those burrito places around here, the conversation goes like this:

"....and some fresh jalapenos"

"...little more..."

"...little more..."

"...little more..."


thanks everyone. i had the second one with no ketchup for lunch today reheated in the micro. still very juicy and the jalapenos were still hot today. :biggrin:

if you wanted to, you could try cooking the onions down and adding them later. they are still pretty crunchy if you add them fresh from the beginning, but it wouldn't be the same without the honey mustard bbq sauce.
Can't beat the taste of fresh jalapenos. Every time I go to one of those burrito places around here, the conversation goes like this:

"....and some fresh jalapenos"

"...little more..."

"...little more..."

"...little more..."


Quite a few places to get burritos around here. Moe's is one (which actually started here in Atlanta). Willie's Mexican Grill, Chipotles's, Buckhead Burrito (another local place), Chilitos's (local). Honestly they are all about the same to me. As long as they are loaded with fresh jalapenos and cilantro I'm a happy camper.
look at that cheese
