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Rick, every time i open one of your posts it is a treat. They all look so good. that burger is bada$$ looking. i may have to put that one on the menu sometime.

thanks everyone. i wasn't planning on shooting pix of those burgers, but the camera just kinda jumped into my hand. :biggrin:

Judging from your pictures, you don't go hungry often... :biggrin:

well, i'm down 38 pounds in the last 16 months...

MAN....that's it....someone HAS to stop this man!
I just drew blood on my knuckle just LOOKING at that!!

Beautiful burger! Pretty Jalepeno too!
We've got 2-3 ready to pluck now too!
Hmmmmm, let's see....Holy Toledo burgers (sans Egg:wink:)?

Looks great Rick!

Keep 'em comin!!

that might not work without an egg. try it! :biggrin:
Outstanding looking meal Rick.
I would have seeded the jalapenos for my taste but never thought about not flipping a burger while cooking it.
Another.......have to try cook added to my list.