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That's right folks it's Back

Willie Paloooooooza 2009

More details to follow but we have secured a location for this event

Is this going to be KCBS sanctioned I really wasn't looking forward to the drive to Salisbury this year. This would be a great alternative plus it's my birthday !
Good Sled.... Good.... Promote Willies drink habits!

Wes... don't do it, It'll cost you to much money. If you wait like the rest of us it's free :lol:

Actually I have consumed several lagers over the years with Will B. and always considered that a wise investment, plus it helps to foster good will and fellowship throughout the land of the Brethren.:wink:


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This will not be a sactioned event
This event is being put together by a select few and put on for the enjoyment of the teams. The first Willie Paloooza was a very relaxed format that went over very well. The people involved in running that event made it as close to KCBS rules as possiable. We had almost all CBJ

we are working on the web site now and as i said in an early post when it is ready i will post a link here please be patiant and if you have any other questions please feel free to PM me directly.

Thank you

Will B

Founder Big East BBQ Assocation
Queer eye is a rookie team this will only be there second event and going up against swamp pit they have a great shot at winning both chili and KCBS