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I wonder if we'll get anymore teams

updated team list

1 Swamp Pit BBQ
2 Queer Eye for The BBQ GUY
3 Team Big barry Q
4 Out of The Ashes
5 Purple Primal Smoker Turtle Catering Company or some sort of variation of
6 The Ed-Cue-Cators
7 Baldwin Butt Burners
8 Blazing Nuttz
9 R2BQ
10 BBQ Brethren
11 Wes Tex BBQ with special guest
I wonder if we'll get anymore teams

updated team list

1 Swamp Pit BBQ
2 Where's Willie Q
3 Team Big barry Q
4 Out of The Ashes
5 Purple Primal Smoker Turtle Catering Company or some sort of variation of
6 The Ed-Cue-Cators
7 Baldwin Butt Burners
8 Blazing Nuttz
9 R2BQ
10 BBQ Brethren
11 Wes Tex BBQ with special guest
Would love to come but already going to maryland.Good luck sled