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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jul 18, 2007
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Dub from GA mentioned Slap Yo Daddy rub on this thread...

So I thought I'd post pics of a recent cook I did using Harry's Chicken rub.



Harry said to try the rub alone, nothing else added so that's what I did. Straight chicken and rub.
He also suggested letting the rub sit on the chicken for awhile before cooking to allow the rub to coat the pieces.
I let it chill for 2 hours.


onto the BPS drum at 300F..


I added a skillet of AussieTitch potatoes...


smoked the chicken until the juices ran clear...


and the tatoes were tender...



I loved the Slap Yo Daddy Chicken rub...
One piece of chicken didn't make it to the house. :oops:


The tatoes were wonderful! Thank you for sharing the recipe AussieTitch!


and I loved the chicken too...



I hope to try the rub on some salmon soon...and some shrimp....and a few other things, maybe popcorn, and scrambled eggs. :becky:

Thanks for looking!
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I'd dang sure slap my daddy to get some of that, of course he'd beat the... well you know.
Dadgumit Cowgirl I just cleaned up the kitchen after dinner and this is the fist post I open now I want some chicken, I can see why one got away :p
So what do you think made the rub over the top?
I have tried so many different rubs and most of them just taste like salt, pepper, Sugar and chili powder. Been lookin s
For something different if its unique.
Thanks everybody!!

Perfect looking chicken Jeanie. The rest of the plate looks awesome as well.
What is your take on the rub?
Thanks Mike, the rub is really tasty. A touch of heat and sweet..a nice balance of flavors. I can see me using it on more than just Q. :)

His chicken rub is fantastic. I have never had a rub I liked more.
I agree with ya... it's one of my favorites now. :thumb:

So what do you think made the rub over the top?
I have tried so many different rubs and most of them just taste like salt, pepper, Sugar and chili powder. Been lookin s
For something different if its unique.
I have the same problem with rubs. Most of them are predictable. I look for a rub that doesn't have one "stand out" ingredient and is a rub that I can use on more than just Q. I made goat meat nachos tonight for supper with cheese and Slap Yo Daddy Chicken rub. No salsa or hot sauce, just the rub and a squeeze of lime juice. It was great!! :grin:

Looking great as usual. Two pieces of chicken and taters for me, no peas please:) oh, and a beer!!

Thanks Isolated01! I'd share if you lived closer. :thumb:

Alright mercy already Jeanie! I emailed to add a pound to my rub order! The grub looks great!!

Great!! Hope you like it as much as I do. :grin:

Thanks again everybody!