"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Food wise, I have no definite plan. Fun wise, I have two bags of snowballs stashed in the freezer from a December snow storm. They're gonna hurt! :razz:

Have a great Independence Day Phu and Brethren!
5 lbs pork butt is rubbed and in the fridge. Gonna toss it in the cabinet smoker tomorrow morning. The other thing I'm smoking the weekend is the paint off of my UDS build. All holes were drilled and I started a fire in the drum to burn off the paint. Quite excited!
Gonna try to use the air fryer for my homemade Phalaphel.. Also... smoked Buphalo Wings... Also hanging a Baltimore Pit Beeph.

Happy 4th Phu and all you Pharkers!
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