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How technically adept are you? I put one together with a
* Raspberry Pi Zero
* 4GB microSD card
* USB power supply and cable
* DS18B20 temperature sensor
* flat ribbon cable (to get through the door seal w/out leaking.)
It captures the temperature and publishes it to an MQTT server on my file server and I can receive it on any of my PCs or cell phone.
I haven't closed the loop yet - it doesn't alarm. I still have to monitor it manually. Some day. ;)

It's -5.8 too.

I also have the freezer plugged into a smart outlet and I can monitor whether it's on or off using the 'smart home' app on my phone.
I ended up buying the acurite. For the price I hope it works but if not I will be looking into one of the other ideas you guys mentioned. Thanks again