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Got rid of the matchlight.
Sep 23, 2012
Romance, AR
last month I went from a UDS to a Backwoods Competitor clone, and ever since my flavors have been "flat". The flavor profile I have had that works the best for me has essentially disappeared. Ive tried different things to fix it, I even talked to one of the top pitmasters in the Memphis BBQ Network, but have had no luck.

I cooked some butts for work this past Friday, and I noticed that my foil juices have gotten very bland, I may as well be dipping my meat in hot water. Im starting to suspect that my foil wrap isnt getting as airtight as it needs to be, and the steam generated by the water pan is getting into my foil juices and diluting them. I am going to try again this weekend and put my butts in a foil pan and covering that up, helping better keep the steam out.

Am I on the right path with thinking that? Does anyone have any ideas to get the flavor back in my product? Ive thickened my injection thinking it was too thin, Ive even added phosphates thinking that might fix the issue.
Sounds like you might have fallen victim to label laws. It might not be the smoker, techniques, or the cook. The pork itself has probably changed. The time frame fits as to when to when the US lost the case for labeling where meat products had to labeled with origin. Now producers are not required to tell you where it came from. Could be from anywhere. Sounds like your supplier went to a cheaper source. Might be worth looking into.
I would suggest losing the foil if you have no smoke flavor, However you state you have no flavor at all...

I would tend to agree with scaramoche that it is probably the meat and not the cooker...
Try really scanning the fine print on the label, you could try asking but you will prolly get a blank look. Switch sources if you can
2 thoughts here.. First- madman is right on. Quit foiling. You are robbing your meat of the flavors it could be getting. Might as well be cooking in the oven.

Second - did you cook in your UDS without a diffuser? That gives a very unique flavor, as you are cooking directly over coals, and also flavoring the meat with smoke from the drippings.

If you suspect the meat, cook one piece of identical meat on each device side by side and compare.
Lots of Money has gone to owners over the years so I'd start there. Drain out the water add a medium Like Dollar General cat litter and add more wood. IIRC these a RF pits and should get plenty of flavor.
Well on the next cook try leave the pan dry, mine runs as stable without the water as it does with, post back the results