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Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 2, 2020
Basingstoke, UK
Name or Nickame
Haven't posted for a while, but have kept checking in.

Having spent the best part of a year trying to do wings that I like as much as those I have tried using a vortex, I finally gave in and just bought a vortex. We have had storms in the UK so I haven't been able to use it since I got it a few weeks back, but I finally got the chance.

I made my own rub but used Franks buffalo sauce. I had to take the wings off a little earlier than I would have liked (they were about 180, I tend to prefer them hitting 190 personally) but they were still great. The image on the grill was them half way through the cook.


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You had my interest at wings. But, as you know, vortex wings are just a cut above.

If you can quit making wings for long enough, the vortex is also pretty good for whole chickens, searing steaks, etc. You'll never regret the vortex.
You had my interest at wings. But, as you know, vortex wings are just a cut above.

If you can quit making wings for long enough, the vortex is also pretty good for whole chickens, searing steaks, etc. You'll never regret the vortex.

Folks that only think of the Vortex as a wing cooker are really missing out.
Nice. I take the flats off at 190-195 and the drummies off at about 200. I've turned fans of flats into fans of drummies because they are used to undercooked tougher drummies. But if you go hotter they are much better.