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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jul 25, 2012
Los Angeles
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Chicken wings at $5-6+/lb?? Getting ridiculous as at it's shooting over to almost 3X the price.

I stumbled on these and it was time to get creative


Peanut oil and Cajun seasoning


Indirect on the kettle running about 550-600*



Hot wing sauce with butter


Took it off at 195-200IT to replicate oil fried




Served with carrots, blue cheese and hot chili peppers


Flaky, tender and plenty moist. Texture and taste spot on to hot wings


Clean off the bones like the real thing and honestly I think I like them better as the legs have more meat on them. Hopefully we don't drive up drumstick prices through the roof now. :becky:


Thanks for looking!
Buffalo Lollipops! Very nice.

We are better off on the wing prices. Just got back from Sam's and they were $2.99. Boneless breast and thighs were around $2.50

Maybe the great bird flu wave is receding already? Hope so.
That looks great, Sako! I think I'll give that a whirl very soon - what's your trimming technique?
Buffalo Lollipops! Very nice.

We are better off on the wing prices. Just got back from Sam's and they were $2.99. Boneless breast and thighs were around $2.50

Maybe the great bird flu wave is receding already? Hope so.

It's Cali thing. I was in AZ and FL recently and they were way cheaper than here. Everything is overinflated here. I used to get fresh wings at $2.50lb max not that long ago.
That looks great, Sako! I think I'll give that a whirl very soon - what's your trimming technique?

Thanks Richard!

I don't spend a great deal of time trimming like most do. I just make a deep incision all the way to the bone with a sharp knife about halfway up or down the leg. Use some paper towels to pull the skin and cartilage off the bone at the bottom. I snap the cartilage at the bottom with a little force and flick of my thumb. That's probably the hard part. Then snip the tendons with sharp kitchen shears or scissors. That's it.

I first make the incision/cut on all legs, then pull off the skin/cartilage on all legs and lastly finish snipping all legs. I don't like to do the 3 steps on one leg at a time as I feel like it takes way longer that way instead of the production line approach.
Those look good Sako. After saucing do you put chicken back on grill to tack up sauce or leave it wet?

Tanks Joedy!

I treat it exactly like hot wings so I coat in sauce, remove and then plate it right after so I don't lose the crispy skin I worked so hard to achieve. I slather a tad bit of sauce on top for serving where it doesn't turn the skin to mush. That way it doesn't hinder the texture of the chicken leg/wing and you get a crispy bite with enough sauce.
I'm a sucker for lollipops like that!

Big fan of the dry rub, grill, toss in sauce, serve "technique" / "process."

Also a big fan of chicken legs vs. wings, especially at today's prices!
I'm a sucker for lollipops like that!

Big fan of the dry rub, grill, toss in sauce, serve "technique" / "process."

Also a big fan of chicken legs vs. wings, especially at today's prices!

What she wrote. And you call me a pro?

Thanks Marc!:thumb:
Those look great. Oddly, we can get plenty of wings out here at $3/lb from Costco, in fact there’s been several instances where that’s the only chicken they had in the cooler and there were a ton of them. Sounds like they need to send some of our wings out your way and some of your chicken pieces to us.
Sako those look great. That 9th pic after you bit in is epic. Did you get rid of the tendons during prep work? That's the one thing I don't like about drumsticks.
Makes me feel like an idiot for not thinking to try that long ago. The only thing better than chicken wings is bigger chicken wings. Duh. Thanks for sharing.