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Babbling Farker

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Jul 11, 2011
Tuscaloosa Alabama
Well my fellow brethren Ryan called me and we decided on a cooker so here she is heading to the sandblaster tomorrow

I decided to do a wagon wheel design it is so easy to move around. It has sealed bearings that can be greased easily.

The rack in front of the cook chamber folds down just so junior does not come by and bump his noggoin!!!!!!

The fire baskets and both grates slide out for easy access. The grates are roughly 43 inches long and 22inches deep. The pipe is 24 OD abd the cook chamber is 57 inches long. We left 7inches from bottom grate to second grate, usually we leave 6 in between but I made a decision to go 7 inches that way you can put butts on the bottom level and still get good air flow.
Yes this is a reverse flow cooker.

The wagon wheel design is something I will be doing a lot of I believe so easy to move. The handle to pull with is removeable

Ryan you will have an awesome cooker no doubt in my mind.

The door on the firebox was rotated different than I normally do. Ryan was limited on space. I added an extra damper because of this.

here is a bumper Tyler is fabbing on it is for an older model blazer

Now here is what I really liked my wonderful neighbor James heard me grinding early this morning he brought me some breakfast at 7:00am. This is how we roll in Alabama fresh catfish, fried green tomatoes, and rice and yes I did say 7:00am

Big James is an awesome neighbor, he watches after my place when I am not around..... Some good advice stay away if I aint there cause it will be NO easy day!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! Ryan look forward to our meeting Saturday .... The cooker will seasoned and ready to go... Thank you my brother!!!!!
First of all the Fish looks really great, happens to be my favorite breakfast. I wish I had the time to personally come pick up my work of art when you are through building her. Then I could hang out with Big James while your at work. He might show me where to catch some of the breakfast sandwiches.

peeps I recently saw your cooker you just got built.... Man the guy did a first class top of the line job. Some guys who build for some reason will not compliment another builder, I think they are intimidated or just jealous, not me that gentleman did you an awesome job!!!!

cowgirl Thanks Jen you are way kind, and having a neighbor like James is wonderful.

CharredApron want be long and we will be turning and burning on your cooker!!!!!

Wow kinda shocked me at all these breakfast catfish eaters!!!!!! It is just plain hard to beat good ol catfish

Thanks for the kind comments from everyone else, we really appreciate it!!!!!!!!
peeps I recently saw your cooker you just got built.... Man the guy did a first class top of the line job. Some guys who build for some reason will not compliment another builder, I think they are intimidated or just jealous, not me that gentleman did you an awesome job!!!!
Thanks, Paul! I will pass it on to AJ when I see him next!
Another great build and the wagon design is really cool especially with a removable tongue! I made my MIL a small garden cart using a similar design but also made a tongue extension that can hook up to a golf cart or ATV, works great. Ryan will really appreciate the grate spacing, did mine at 6" and wish I had gone 7" for just that little extra so I would not have to squeeze larger cuts in.