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What's everyone use to light their chimneys??

I use paper towels coated with olive oil. Makes for a nice slow burn with little ash leftover. Worth a try if you've never done it that way.

I too use the paper towel-olive oil combo to start my WEBER chimney.
Simple, always available, fast enough and low ash, as polishdon says.

The Weber is worlds ahead of any other starter I have used, and I have used many over the years.
I keep rusting my Webers out (I grill a LOT). I'm thinking about tooling up to make stainless steel ones. Another thing on the Weber is that it seems to work better blocked up in the air slightly- as if the bottom section isn't quite tall enough. I wonder if a chimney made out of expanded steel would work? I just happen to have some.....(runs out to the garage)
I keep rusting my Webers out (I grill a LOT). I'm thinking about tooling up to make stainless steel ones. Another thing on the Weber is that it seems to work better blocked up in the air slightly- as if the bottom section isn't quite tall enough. I wonder if a chimney made out of expanded steel would work? I just happen to have some.....(runs out to the garage)

Mush, make two while your're at it, probably doesn't take any more time and then you can give me one!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Paul B.....your SS UDS buddy :biggrin::biggrin:

Actually I could have bought one on my recent trip to Hendersonville, NC. There was a store where I did buy a beer butt chicken roaster with perforated tray for taters and veggies that was SS. They had a SS chimney starter for around $27.00, shiney too!! But since I had a weber I opted not to, also the wifey probably would flip out!!!
I've got the wally version and it work great for me. Since I have only been using my UDS this summer I only light about 10-15 coals in the starter. Thats only about 1/5 of its capacity, I guess. When I did fill it up for grilling I too had the metal pull out of the wooden handle. Luckily I was wearing real shoes instead of my normal bbq flip flops. I've used the weber and it is a superior product all around but for me the wally works well enough.
I'm kind of surprised that no one is using newspaper as fuel.
Weber rapid fire chimney starter IS the best on the market but I use a weed burner. It's 500% faster and the best way to do a MM start; only way to go for competition.
I have a Weber and love it. The bottom grate is high but I bent it so that it is almost flat.
I use sterno to light it up
I always use newspaper as well, I have a Weber and a cheesy one that I picked up somewhere along the line, it works fine but if I only need to use one I always grab for the Weber.
May be a dumb question--but--I've been led to believe that what you use is important. Cook's illustrated did a testing and determined that the Weber rapid fire chimney starter was the best on the market. What have you folk experienced? I'm about to try some serious smoking.
You were led to believe correctly. Here are but four things I've found when using a Rapid Fire over inferior grade chimney starters:
1. You will use half as much charcoal.
2. Your food will be done in half the time.
3. Your steaks will be much more juicier.
4. Your food taste better.
You know the old saying, "you get what you pay for".

Note: If you only use an UDS, the basket in a Rapid Fire is cone shaped. Take it out and reverse it's direction.
Went through a couple of the Wally World cheapies before I found a Weber on the clearance shelf at Lowes. The Weber is much better. I use these little fire starter cubes I buy for starting my fireplace. Works well because they light easy and burn for quite a while and they are just compressed wood shavings so no funny taste/odor. I usually set it in a little tabletop mini-kettle cooker I bought for $6 at Wally World. That serves as my charcoal pre-burn unit.
I use newspaper, but also hate the flying ash. I'm going to give the olive oil paper towel thing a try though. need to get some cheaper OO though because I'm not using the good stuff to light a fire!
I use to use newspaper as well, now I just place about 20 briqs. in the chimney, hold it up and using my other hand fire it up with the weed burner. After its lit well I sit it down and fill up with however much charcoal I think I'll need.