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I guess I missed the humor?

I was remembering the previous thread you referred to and was trying not to restart the debate over BP and suppliers. Or was that a joke and I missed the humor?
Here is something really funny. Oren is 5 minutes from my house.they have a big warehouse full of that pink paper and would not sell me any. I had to buy it from this place in Texas.that was before they started selling on amazon.
Is parchment paper the same as butcher paper?
If no what's the difference

Bakers realize there is a vast difference with Parchment Paper, even in manufacturing techniques. But it is rated safe for food contact.

Modern parchment paper is made by running sheets of paper pulp through a bath of sulfuric acid (a method similar to how tracing paper is made) or sometimes zinc chloride. This process partially dissolves or gelatinizes the paper. This treatment forms a sulfurized cross-linked material with high density, stability, and heat resistance, and low surface energy – thereby imparting good non-stick or release properties. The treated paper has an appearance similar to that of traditional parchment, and because of its stability is sometimes used for legal purposes where traditional parchment was used. The manufacturing process for parchment paper is costly and very harmful to the environment, this paper is not made in North America anymore due to environmental issues. However, don't confuse Parchment paper with Bakery release paper, bakery release paper employs a coating which is deposited onto the paper's surface. The coating is silicone which is then cured with a suitable catalyst. Both of these papers are rated safe for direct contact with food, and are made for use at high temperatures. However they do not allow the meat to breath like butcher paper.
I was remembering the previous thread you referred to and was trying not to restart the debate over BP and suppliers. Or was that a joke and I missed the humor?

No, no joke intended. I just did not catch what you were referring to with the emoji you used. I don't care to get into a debate about which supplier's paper to use either. As far as I am concerned, everyone can use whatever paper they want to.