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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Aug 11, 2003
Chicago Southwestern Burbs, but always south of Ma
Name or Nickame
Professor Dickweed
I got a call from a Brother today.

I just wanted to take the time to thank him.

Thanks for calling me.

Phil, Brian, John, Richie, and a host of others (David in FL, Josh, TK, Harry "Cabo", Gary S, Neil, ) and way too many other originals that I am forgetting to mention, have made this place a home.

It was so refreshing, to get positive feedback, that advice I gave helped a brother out.

Now if you have spent 5 minutes here, you know that I'm the jokester. Farking over 850 posts of insanity. But in Q talk, for the most part, I try to give as much information I can, as accurate as possible.

Well today, one of the Brothers made my day.

He had hit the PM private message button on one of my posts. WE hade exchanged phone numbers. he followed some of my tips, and tips of you all, and had a great Q. He called me to let me know that my advice, and the advice of you all, had reaffirmed his investment in the Bandera.

I talked to him for just minutes, but I think he was happy with his choice.

This group is like no other.

You are all an extension of my family.

So here we go. I am Catholic, and I celebrate Christmas. Christmas for me, is a time of giving, not of receiving. There are a couple of homeless people that I see downtown every morning. I have bought them Long Johns, as it is getting cold here.

Anyway, I got a shitload of your addresses from the trading post, and from you directly. I just started receiving some of my Xmas stuff this week.

Soooo. If I dont have your address, then you need to send it to me.

If you are not a frequent poster, START POSTING.

What do I want in return for this Christmas Gift?

I have 3 Rules that will ensure you get a gift from the Brethren:
Post something
Post something
Post Something

If its off topic, like " I did the laundry today," or "boy my phone smells" that is fine, just post something.

Lurking is fine, but I have to tell you. Phil is my best friend. And if I had stayed in lurker mode, I never would have found him.

So I already have a shitload of your addresses ( don't ask. I have this net dealie down pact) but feel free to PM me with your address

Okay, so now its time for a caveat. If you send me your address, and donts get something from me, just wait. I only have $100 a month "allowance" to spend by myself, and that gose for gas, vodka, and the group. I have a case of something here, and will be sending out shortly, but the postage is killing me.

So, in short brothers, let me be the first to wish you all a happy holiday season, and if you get into trouble, a brother is just a phone call away. Just ask by hitting PM button on any one of my, or the others, posts.

Gary, you made my day. No, my week
All I can say DA Man!

This site has been so helpful and everyone is great to lend a helping hand.
What's great for me is to take all the advise and use trial and error to make it work for me.

You see, I'm not like some of you, mechanically inclined. Nor do I have the tools of the trade like most of you do. You see, I was (guess I still am) a musician, so my toys aren't skill saws or drills, but bass guitars, keyboards and drums line my house like a well stocked Snap On tool truck. I played semi-professionally for 34 years, but a blown disc in my neck that required surgery kinda caused a change in hobbies. Doing the mods were tough for me, because I was forced to do stuff I was totally unfamiliar with. But I've made it, and its' going to be sweet blue smokin' from here on.:D

When you are in a band, you become one, like family, or bretheren. I've replaced my band mates with my Q'n mates, and I'm proud you are my brothers!
Gary, you mis understood.

I am a farking finacial guy.

When I talked to you about steel cutting jigsaw bits, I forgot to mention that I lost 3 fingers making my grate, 2 fingers making my heat shield, and 1 finger picking my nose.

Thats why they call me stubby.

Welcome brother, and keep posting your results, no matter what the outcome.
When I talked to you about steel cutting jigsaw bits, I forgot to mention that I lost 3 fingers making my grate, 2 fingers making my heat shield, and 1 finger picking my nose.

Thats why they call me stubby.
That's not why they call you stubby!

Sorry, couldn't resist.
parrothead said:
When I talked to you about steel cutting jigsaw bits, I forgot to mention that I lost 3 fingers making my grate, 2 fingers making my heat shield, and 1 finger picking my nose.

Thats why they call me stubby.
That's not why they call you stubby!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Thats why they call me Mr Longfellow