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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jun 26, 2009
sAn leAnDRo, CA
Fired up the cooker, my trusty UDS about 1.5 hours ago. It was filled with a 50/50 mix of Stubbs Briquettes and Cowboy Southern Style Lump, along with 4 chunks of apple and 4 chunks of red oak. It was around 225°F by the time I was done with coffee and prep.

Trimmed and readied the brisket, a 17 pound Choice Angus from Cash and Carry. Gave it a serious trim, we went on at around 15.5 pounds.

I applied one coat of my SPOG rub, which was not quite enough but we will address that later.

Because I somehow used up way too much rub on something other than the brisket, I quickly mixed up a second batch of rub, and topped it with a little Simply Marvelous Sweet and Spicy. I am gonna add that to the brisket, along with some fat, in about 20 minutes from when the meat went down.

Why add the SM rub, because it is delicious. Plus, actually, it's a small amount and will simply work into the overall flavor of the bark, it's one way to extend that 'sugar cookie' bark flavor over the entire brisket. Why the fat? Because we are fat cap down in the UDS, and I like a little extra fat to render onto the top bark. Normally I use beef butter, but, am taking a chance.
I've never tried adding some of that trimmed fat back on it like that. I always cook cap/point down, and I bet doing that on the non cap side make for some incredible bark as that fat renders! I'm going to have to try this. Thanks Bob.

Brisket is looking good so far. Don't fark it up. Or do. It worked out well enough last time.
I cook fat cap down as well, one thing that i have learned is that when I hold I reverse and put fat cap up. I usually hold for 6+ hours, so the rendered fat encapsulates the entire brisket and keeps the flat from looking dry.
okay, the 10:28am check in, loaded in my ring bologna for lunch. Also filled the water pan. Did you know, that pouring boiling water into a almost dry water pan, on a cast iron plate at 300°F produces a load of really painful steam? Fark!


If nothing else, there are beef cracklings


Point is looking good as well, I think it will run another hour before I wrap. Although things are looking great so far. And I love how things smell out there.