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No, actually, Bob, she was gone most of the day. She had some stuff donations to deliver and then she took Lani to Fiesta TX. Last Christmas, someone gave Karen and the kids season passes to Fiesta TX. It has been a life saver, as far as it has given the kids entertainment...unfortunately, Karen sometimes feels like she needs to go with Delani, when La I can't find a friend available..and that takes Karen away from the work she wants to do at home. Then,when she DOES come home, she is so busy that I don't want to keep harping on her to send me pictures....
The soon to be sainted Brethren MrBill came and uncrated Grace. I also believe he was the one who suggested her name. He took the below picture of Grace at/near her final resting place. Please ignore the chaotic mess at her feet. Thanks, Bill, for all you did. You are the embodiment of Brethren spirit.

Thanks also to everyone who helped pay for Grace's trip to me, and to all who paid to enlarge my "meat package." I'll unceil it when it arrives.

Also, thanks to Kevin (SmokinIt) and Humphrey's for my new accessible smoker.
She will take some learning, but I am excited to get smoking again! It will be great therapy!

God bless you all for blessing me so much!
That's a fantastic rig, Brother Dan! Congratulations!

Looking forward to seeing how you and the family enjoy this new addition.

Yes, this place is amazing... because of the Brethren.
Looks like a great smoker Dan - Congratz !! - and I'm very happy I could help with your "meat package" - haha :)

I'll probably never know who all donated to the shipping - or to the "meat package," nor will I have a chance to thank them all personally, but since you posted, let me say thank you to you,,BBQDane.

Of course, I appreciate all how helped get Grace here...and providing something for me to feed her. :)

We are looking forward to the day(s) when I can put my smoking meat package into Grace.

Wait, that doesn't sound right....
I don't think I'm worthy of sainthood, but I am happy to have been able to help you again. I did suggest Grace as a name via pm. I felt it a fitting name. God's grace is a wonderful thing and it just seemed natural to me to call your smoker that given what you've been through, how far you've come and how the Brethren have selflessly stepped up to help you.
I don't think I'm worthy of sainthood, but I am happy to have been able to help you again. I did suggest Grace as a name via pm. I felt it a fitting name. God's grace is a wonderful thing and it just seemed natural to me to call your smoker that given what you've been through, how far you've come and how the Brethren have selflessly stepped up to help you.

Brother, you gave up family time to drive a long way to wrestle with a huge crate with very little help. You're a saint in my book...and an instrument of Gid's grace. Oh, thanks for the name suggestion. It is much better than, "The Pellet Pooper," which I would pobably ended up using. :clap2:
I forgot to mention, Kevin threw in a bag of pellets for me. Thanks, Kevin.

I'm not sure where to get them locally. Any of you pellet pooper users have a favorite brand that I should look for?