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Well, I didn't have a chance to practice smoking anything, but since I've joined the Brethren, I have learned a whole bunch...maybe some will come back to me. If not, I'm gonna call Cowgirl and get her to walk me through it.

BTW, I need to order some Brethren stickers...anyone remember where to get those? I think Grace (her name...whatcha think?) needs some Brethren bling...

Grace has arrived!

In a huge crate....pray for her successful uncrating!

Lord willing, pictures to come soon!


What are you waiting on ....... getter done :clap: And no pictures..........didn't happen :laugh:

Great name ..... Grace :grin:
We'll all just wait around here 'till things get hoppin'........


Glad it finally arrived !!!!!

Enjoy !!!!
Been following. Congrats Dan. BTW Grace is a perfect name. Kudos to all the brothers who helped make this happen. This place is awesome!
Congratulations Dan! Looking forward to seeing what you cook.
Love ya man! :hug: :becky:
Thanks, y'all. A huge thanks to Brethren MrBill who uncrated it. Grace is now on my back porch. I have a couple of pictures of the uncrating on my wife's phone. Lord willing, I'll post later.

I've got to wait to fire Grace up until we can afford a trip to the store for meat...possibly Monday. I transferred some money via Paypal from the sale of my trailer...not sure when it will make it into the bank account...and hopefully there will be some for meat.

I'm thinking first run will be a pork butt and MOINK balls. I'm pretty much obligated to cook MOINK ball...

Any last minute CHEAP menu suggestions?

God bless the Brethren. This place rocks!