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I'm not a pizza maker



But I did do a stint in special effects...

Careful when you toss it though...

For me, breakfast does not get any better!!:mrgreen:

Pretty cool how you got the eggs to cook without burning the crust, especially with corn meal.:thumb: I'm guessing the proximity of the dome on the egg is the "magic"..
For me, breakfast does not get any better!!:mrgreen:

Pretty cool how you got the eggs to cook without burning the crust, especially with corn meal.:thumb: I'm guessing the proximity of the dome on the egg is the "magic"..

I was getting worried :) The egg whites were still jiggly long past when I would have pulled the pizza, but the crust was fine. I leave an air gap between the platesetter and the pizza stone and I think that helps the stone from getting overheated from the fire directly below it.
I was getting worried :) The egg whites were still jiggly long past when I would have pulled the pizza, but the crust was fine. I leave an air gap between the platesetter and the pizza stone and I think that helps the stone from getting overheated from the fire directly below it.

That makes great sense.
I am used to screaming hot brick, so the only way to get a finish like that (unless the WFO is really on the downward side temp wise) would be to "dome" the pie to cook that much on top..
That makes great sense.
I am used to screaming hot brick, so the only way to get a finish like that (unless the WFO is really on the downward side temp wise) would be to "dome" the pie to cook that much on top..

We always overdo the toppings on our pizzas :rolleyes: I've had the best success in the Egg at somewhere between 550 and 600 degrees. It's a good balance between getting the toppings cooked (I do par-cook some stuff) and having a nice crust.

What do you use in place of corn meal in the WFO?
We always overdo the toppings on our pizzas :rolleyes: I've had the best success in the Egg at somewhere between 550 and 600 degrees. It's a good balance between getting the toppings cooked (I do par-cook some stuff) and having a nice crust.

What do you use in place of corn meal in the WFO?

I use semolina, it has a much higher burn point than corn meal, when it does burn off the brick there is no off putting odor or ash residue plus it has a much better "slide" from the peel when putting thin pies in.
I try run my "deck" temp at 600, it seems to be the best balance for crust and topping cook. The semolina will burn off at a slightly higher temp but as mentioned above leaves no flavor on the crust like burnt corn meal...
I use semolina, it has a much higher burn point than corn meal, when it does burn off the brick there is no off putting odor or ash residue plus it has a much better "slide" from the peel when putting thin pies in.
I try run my "deck" temp at 600, it seems to be the best balance for crust and topping cook. The semolina will burn off at a slightly higher temp but as mentioned above leaves no flavor on the crust like burnt corn meal...

Thanks! So far I haven't had any problems with the corn meal but I'm almost out of it so I'll give semolina a try.