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Got rid of the matchlight.
Apr 17, 2013
Campbell, CA
Hey everyone. Thanks for having me in the forum. I'm brand new at BBQ (except for eating it, which I've been doing all my life). One question off the bat--looks like most people I've noticed are all using charcoal smokers. I'm planning on getting a Gas smoker to hopefully make it easier to regulate temperature and try and eliminate some variability for a beginner. I guess my rookie question is, can you still get top notch BBQ from a gas smoker (assuming it has a spot for wood, water, etc. for flavoring)?

Welocme to the Brethren neighbor. And keep an eye out for our Nor Cal Bashes, there's a bunch of us Bay Area Brethren.

As for gas, yes, you can get decent BBQ off a gas grill, but, it is not really the best way to go about it. You will get better BBQ off of a charcoal or wood fueled cooker.
Welcome aboard fellow Bay Area Brethren!

IMO, gas may be a decent way to get into BBQ and allow you learn techniques/gain experience but ultimately you'll likely migrate to charcoal for a little more challenge and better results & flavor. I started on an electric smoker and switched to charcoal a couple of years later for those reasons.
Welcome to the forum.

I use a WSM with a guru and it holds temp like it's an oven, even on over shoots it can bring the temp right back down. Of course That set up will cost more than a gas smoker.