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LOL....I forgot to mention that the MoKans had to go to the bullpen for a back up margarita machine....

Congrats to all that walked....I'm telling ya, there is some tough competition in the midwest....we'll see you all out there next year!

Jay, John, brian, and steve, wow thats great I'm glad I was payin attention in K.C. I'll try to follow in your footsteps, I dont know if I can without one of those sleeveless SPICEWINE T-shirts. congradulations brothers!!
Great job guys... sounds like it was another one for the record books! Sorry I couldn't be there!

DeSoto's Kooker's Kare Chili contest on Friday evening was a HUGE success, so it was great to see things there go off so well.

Bubba and Jeff!!! Damn boys, you guys are all over it!!! It so great to see you doing so well. And of course congrats to Team Q for another Grand!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone out next year...
Still Excited

Just wanted to tell everyone thanks for all of the help this year! Bub and I had so much fun getting to know everyone in a somewhat short period of time. Hopefully we can do this for a long time! Wayne and the guys from Mokan, you guys have taught us what competing is all about!!! team Q if it wasn't for you guys, we would still be putting our stuff in a box with NO garnish (HA). thanks to BIG CREEK for showing us what it is like to actually be ORGANIZED! (We will never be that professional). Mark and Becky, you have been unbelievably nice to some boys that are NOBODIES!! You guys just plain kick ass... We want to tell you and Becky that our hearts are with you through all of the health problems. I know that everything will be fine, and you will be kicking our ass again next year. But most of all, we want to thank Snail for just plain teaching us how to cook!! That guy RULES!! And for Fitzy, If these people only knew what we have been through, they wouldn't believe it. Can't wait to see and cook with you A.S.A.P! SEE YOU ALL SOON.....
Thanks to all for the kind words and encouragement you all have given us over the past few years!! Who said lightning doesn't strike twice!!! It is indeed an honor to be cooking with you folks and it is all of you that make the competition so fun. Wayne, let us know what the plumber says about the margarita machine and thank Ron for the new drink recipe ( Ron's Bloody Butt ) :eek: There is nothing like seeing Singn' Bob in a Santa Hat singing X-Mas tunes. Lots of great teams, lots of great times and lots of great memories.


What a great contest!! Congrats to everyone but especially Team Q and Bubba and Jeff on the Grand and Reserve.

A huge THANK YOU to the Belly Bros - my baby (the margarita machine) bit the dust early in the afternoon - thought we might have to drink the tequila straight. But the Belly Bro's came through and let me borrow their margarita machine - how great is that!! :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap We realy appreciated that!

Anyone know a couple of guys that can cook chicken and brisket?? :twisted:
What a great contest!! Congrats to everyone but especially Team Q and Bubba and Jeff on the Grand and Reserve. Wayne no problem. We are glad to help out. I have uploaded a picture I think of Our Grand Champion's site.


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Wanted to say congrats to everyone that got their name called. It was great seeing everyone and like every contest we had a great time. See everyone next year. Again congrats Team Q and Bubba and Jeff:p
The handicap sign explains a lot, doesn't it?

Hey guys, thanks for everything. It's great cooking with you guys. I can't wait till next year.

Thanks again,
Fredbird (Songbird)
That pictures has more than a thousand words, so it was easyer to post the picture and let the brotheren read into the picture. Congrats To All that walked.
What a great way to end the year--great friends, margaritas and loud singing (I didn't say GOOD)!!

Congrats again to Team Q and Bubba and Jeff!!
Word has it that a certain Grand Champion is going to be on the radio tonight discussing this contest with its organizer. Publicity Whores!!!!!!! LOL!

Do us proud, Jay!