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It looks to me like celrodtx is Billie the one running R&O bbq and has been following this all along. With that being said,it is now past the time for you Bill to step up to the plate and state your side of this problem that is NOT HELPING the buisness ! ! Deffend yourself for when you give NO comment is a sure sighn of guilt. Bill we all are looking forward to your response.

Nice try, but no. But I do own an American-made Traeger that I love, a Blackstone griddle that rocks, and now a legend Klose smoker/trailer that I can't wait to wear out. Thanks for the concern. However, if you were a true internet sleuth you would review a few of my previous posts and find out I don't even live in Granbury anymore. But since you brought it up...

One of the reasons I USED to frequent this great website was it was the one place I could go, in these current times, that would be void of drama queens, wannabe lawyers, political opinions that should remain private, and being in the digital presence of people that can't be content unless they are stirring up a huge pile of discontent. I initially responded out of disappointment that the drama queens had infiltrated this great place. And predictably, even though the OP and the Admin asked to let it go, the drama queens just can't seem to. Just another sad sign of the times in which we live.

You asked, there you have it.
heres the bottom line..However it gets taken care of, it should and will be done in private. This forum is NOT a place to dogpile and without knowing all the facts and BOTH sides of a story, its nothing but that... A dogpile. If all participants that have a dog in the fight agree to make details public, then fine, but sorry, we wont allow anyone with torches and pitchforks to stay inside the castle.

Work it out if need be, and if you find it appropriate let us know, but any chit stirring will be deleted and if it continues someone will find their nose in the corner for a timeout.

Also.. a different topic..with the passing of BBQBULL, we are down to 3 mods and a few watchdogs. its hard to read all 800-1200 posts we get a day.. so if ANYONE sees drama kicking up, flame wars starting or someone being a douche... please let us know via the report post button..

celrodTX, sorry we no longer live up to your expectations, Ive seen it myself, but with 80,000 members, it hard to be at 100%, but I think we do a decent job with what we have.

Nice try, but no. But I do own an American-made Traeger that I love, a Blackstone griddle that rocks, and now a legend Klose smoker/trailer that I can't wait to wear out. Thanks for the concern. However, if you were a true internet sleuth you would review a few of my previous posts and find out I don't even live in Granbury anymore. But since you brought it up...

One of the reasons I USED to frequent this great website was it was the one place I could go, in these current times, that would be void of drama queens, wannabe lawyers, political opinions that should remain private, and being in the digital presence of people that can't be content unless they are stirring up a huge pile of discontent. I initially responded out of disappointment that the drama queens had infiltrated this great place. And predictably, even though the OP and the Admin asked to let it go, the drama queens just can't seem to. Just another sad sign of the times in which we live.

You asked, there you have it.

heres the bottom line..However it gets taken care of, it should and will be done in private. This forum is NOT a place to dogpile and without knowing all the facts and BOTH sides of a story, its nothing but that... A dogpile. If all participants that have a dog in the fight agree to make details public, then fine, but sorry, we wont allow anyone with torches and pitchforks to stay inside the castle.

Work it out if need be, and if you find it appropriate let us know, but any chit stirring will be deleted and if it continues someone will find their nose in the corner for a timeout.

Also.. a different topic..with the passing of BBQBULL, we are down to 3 mods and a few watchdogs. its hard to read all 800-1200 posts we get a day.. so if ANYONE sees drama kicking up, flame wars starting or someone being a douche... please let us know via the report post button..

celrodTX, sorry we no longer live up to your expectations, Ive seen it myself, but with 80,000 members, it hard to be at 100%, but I think we do a decent job with what we have.

Old Great One that Chew'th on the buttocks has spoken..... :hail:
Dang, sorry to hear, I had my fingers crossed you would get your deposit back...
I've been reading this thread and having built a few pits and sold them it boggles my mind how someone could do somebody that way. I've taken deposits and kept that money separate and made sure that I still had it to give back in the event the deal went south. I feel bad for anybody in this position. The folks I know on here don't have money to throw away and to loose out is a hit.

I hope all goes well.