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I've been reading this thread and having built a few pits and sold them it boggles my mind how someone could do somebody that way. I've taken deposits and kept that money separate and made sure that I still had it to give back in the event the deal went south. I feel bad for anybody in this position. The folks I know on here don't have money to throw away and to loose out is a hit.

I hope all goes well.

Well said, this was probably the one time in my life I would have the money to spend on a Pitt like this. It just makes me sick that this had to happen.
Yea I think that's why we all got up in arms over this. I know I wouldn't be able to have that kind of money for a pit for a long time. Good luck man!
I've been reading this thread and having built a few pits and sold them it boggles my mind how someone could do somebody that way. I've taken deposits and kept that money separate and made sure that I still had it to give back in the event the deal went south. I feel bad for anybody in this position. The folks I know on here don't have money to throw away and to loose out is a hit.

I hope all goes well.

my pit is still rocking from Muscrat!!!!
Just think of all the pitchforks you could buy with that money.

Glad it's still chugging away. Any problems let me know.

Seriously, only problem is I wish I had two of them!!!! Or atleast have gone with the 60 in instead of 48:wink:

Its the best cooker I have ever used. I don't even use a digital thermometer any more... Its so predictable
Yikes! I don't know if I missed it or if you didn't want to say, but may I ask how much $$ you're presently out from your deposit/payments?
That's not good. Sounds like he didn't pay his domain or hosting fees. Did he delete his Facebook because it was getting too many negative comments?
Maybe he's officially out of business. For your sake I hope not. Hard to sue somebody with nothing to give.