Best of the West Mesquite Charcoal


Babbling Farker
Apr 5, 2012
I was starting to run low on charcoal. I picked up a bag of BOTW charcoal and did an evaluation of it.

Here I've cut open the bag to reveal the contains.

I separated it and put it into my storage container. Here are the pictures (Business card and 6” ruler for reference) and my general observations:
1/4 of this bag was large, very large or even giant size pieces. (See 1st and 3rd pic)
1/3 to 1/2 of this bag was medium size pieces. (See 2nd pic)
1/8 to 1/4 of this bag was small to dust size pieces. (See 3rd & 4th pics)

I threw out the stuff in the 4th pic. My opinion is that this is slightly better than the Lazzari Mesquite lump I've been buying but it was also a little over $3.00 more per bag. ($15.49 per 40 lbs vs. $12.19 per 40 lbs)
I recently picked up a bag of BOTW at Sam's for just under $10 for 20lb. I haven't emptied my bag like OP but from what I have used so far the distribution in size of pieces is very similar. I find it takes a bit more time with the heat gun to get it started but once running it burns hotter a little quicker. I think it brings my akorn up to temp just a bit quicker than the Frontier lump I was using and it definitely has a what I would describe as a harsher smell when coming to temp. Once at temp I don't notice it quite as much. I don't notice a harsher taste in the couple of pork tenderloins or burgers I have done with it so far.
I use it in my Good-One. I like the fact it does burn hotter than other lump. I dump the whole bag in my fire box and light it with a weed burner. It doesn't take much more time with this method. I will use it on the Akorn in a pinch, but like the RO for that. I find it easier to control temps with RO in the Akorn.