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Best: Made pulled chicken the day after the lady and I went to a BBQ festival and she said it was better than any she had there. (She has no problem telling me the truth, so I know it wasn't BS lol)

Worst: Don't really have one, when I've been told something wasn't very good, I was already aware the I screwed that one
I was told by the mother of the young lad who yelled "Burnt!" at my pork steaks that they recently shared some of my pulled pork with her parents, as they are temporarily living with them. At the dinner table, the boy said "Papa, you have to try something so yummy. It's called smoked meat." I got a kick out of that one. His mom told me he said "Mr. Scott makes the tastiest meat, doesn't he?" Out of the mouths of babes, I guess.

Not bbq related, but I used to make blondie cookies from scratch. Lots of butter, brown sugar, pecans or walnuts, peanut butter chips, and chocolate chips. Made them for a get together with that same family on a Saturday night. The next morning at church another lady asked what we had for dinner with our friends. As I'm describing the blondies, the lady who had been over said "We all got diabetes from eating them, because they were so sweet." Didn't bother me that she said that, since they're such good friends and she was joking around.
Best/most awkward: i cook for this friend of mine every time his family is in town. a few years back i made bb ribs for them. seems that as grandma was eating the ribs she had one of those When Harry Met Sally moments with full on moaning and such. apparently all of the adults nearly wet themselves laughing but the grand kids were never the same again.

Worst: i had cooked up 6 or 8 briskets for a friend of a friend's big party. as we were slicing the brisket this older lady comes flying in the kitchen/prep area just mad as can be. she asks "who cooked the brisket" as they had paid for the cook. i thought holy crap it is true what they say about nobody ever comes to you house, drinks your beer, eats your bbq and tells you the truth about how bad it was. along with that saying is if you want to know what people really think of your bbq start charging for it and they have no issues letting you know. anyway...she said stop slicing it that way and slice it thinner because everyone is coming back and putting too much on their plate. i did exactly as she asked because she looked like if i made her come back i was in for a good wooping. she was seriously pissed.
Best compliments have probably been simple dry rubbed Memphis style ribs. People who are used to sweet mushy sauced ribs seem genuinely shocked at how good a basic rib can be.

Worst: Not BBQ, but I made a stir fry once and my wife suggested we rinse the sauce off and try again! :shock::oops:
I just remembered another example of positive feedback. We have lived in our current house for about a year. A few weeks ago, I took half a rack of spares to the neighbor across the street. They were hot from being warmed up in the oven. I didn't see him for a week or so, but the next time I did he said "You inspired me. Those ribs were so good I went out and bought a smoker." I was pretty happy about that. I don't think there's much else he could have done to show sincerity in how much he liked the food.
16 years ago I made a glorious beercan chicken and presented it to my then pregnant wife. She took one whiff and then puked all over the floor :shock:

My 16 year old daughter is quite the brisket snob. We are always trying new BBQ Joints. She always tastes the brisket, followed by "This is good, but not as good as yours!". Good times.
Actually I can remember one the worst. My brother and family were visiting and I decided to make burgers. I have a couple of recipes that I'm quite proud of, and I laid it on thick. There was making of patties, basting, rolling smoke, melting of cheese etc.

At the end my sister in law said "these burgers are good but nothing compares to a Macdonald's burger and their sauce".

I was like :shock::shock::shock: and then I was like :shock::shock::shock:
16 years ago I made a glorious beercan chicken and presented it to my then pregnant wife. She took one whiff and then puked all over the floor :shock:

My 16 year old daughter is quite the brisket snob. We are always trying new BBQ Joints. She always tastes the brisket, followed by "This is good, but not as good as yours!". Good times.

I love both of these, thanks for sharing!
Actually I can remember one the worst. My brother and family were visiting and I decided to make burgers. I have a couple of recipes that I'm quite proud of, and I laid it on thick. There was making of patties, basting, rolling smoke, melting of cheese etc.

At the end my sister in law said "these burgers are good but nothing compares to a Macdonald's burger and their sauce".

I was like :shock::shock::shock: and then I was like :shock::shock::shock:

McDonald's? Really? Ouch.
Best: Many nice compliments, most after joining this forum. One of my favorites was from my wife's 30 YO nephew. We have her family up to our cabin for a week every year. I'd smoked a couple of fatties for breakfast one day. Andy was sitting on the deck by himself eating a couple of slices. I was inside the cabin next to an open window near him. I could hear him talking to himself with his mouth full, "OMG this is the best thing I've ever tasted.

Worst: Many years ago B4 I found this forum my wife had bought a used electric smoker for me. I decided to smoke a whole salmon for deer camp. Well, I fell asleep during the smoking process (bourbon may have been involved). I ended up with nasty dry salmon jerky. Instead of tossing it in the garbage I decided to take it to camp and toss it out in the woods where a critter could eat it. I told my buddies that it was inedible and what I was going to do with it. 1/2 hour later Mark was gnawing on the salmon and telling me how bad it was.:roll:
McDonald's? Really? Ouch.

Yep, unfortunately. My brother saw the look on my face and gently led his wife away by the arm.

Best: I cooked for about 25 people for a friend's birthday party (ribs, whole chickens, and pulled pork) not too long ago. Never cooked for more than just a handful of people. I was surprised and felt a little awkward at the positive feedback and a few of them said it was the best they'd ever had.

One of the best experiences I've had. To be able to give something to people that you know in your heart is truly good is incredible. It's not haute cuisine, and I'm no artist, but darn good craftsmanship satisfies me.
I guess a bad one was when I had an online review of the place I worked at call my potato salad......and I quote "an abomination" :becky:. Though most all others loved it. Oh and brunswick stew is another that people are particular about and will very much let you know if it isn't like their mothers.......:-D

Always interesting to see your food reviewed by the masses in the magical unfiltered land of social media and online review sites.
Best: my father would not eat pork until he was 85. He hated the smell. I made him ribs and after coaxing him into trying them, he asked me what else I could make with pork because it is now his favorite meat, but only if I cook it.

Worst: made a wagyu ribeye for my brother. Perfect medium. He asked me to slice it up and fry them up to well done. Nearly cried. Was a good reminder that I cook for others and not my ego, but it was not easy to stomach.
I guess these experiences prove what we already knew - Reactions to what we make will be widely varied. What one person can't get enough of, another person will spit out the one bite they managed to force upon themselves. As I said in a previous post, if there was any chance of me getting an inflated ego from all of the compliments I get about the meats I smoke, my 15 year old daughter keeps me humble with her scathing reviews.
I have never done that, and I don't understand why anyone would. Fortunately, I found this site right after buying my WSM. I think I only know one person who boils ribs, and that's my mother-in-law. She and my father-in-law are my two biggest fans, when it comes to Q. She knows I don't boil meat. They don't cook the same way I do. Since I got into this, they don't really make ribs anymore. I hope that doesn't sound braggy, I don't mean to be prideful. I think anyone, with any piece of equipment, can cook decent food if they follow the vast amount of guidance that can be found here.