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Hmm, a tortilla inside of another tortilla, where have I seen that :p. Looks great Redhot :thumb:

Yeah well, the thing is that's what I was planning on doing from the get-go, only thing I was not sure of was if I wanted all of the components on both so decided to dice the pepper mixture before grilling instead of the usual strips (for easy double building)...then we got sick:sick:. And then low and behold I see this ever so cool stuffed tortilla, grilled and wrapped in yet another stuffed tortilla and was like crap, that was my idea for the tortilla TD...great minds think alike is all I can say about that!:becky: Actually, I love making my grilled chicken quesadillas but have not in years and have added a few things I think really bring them out...but, we don't eat out much...well actually hardly ever. But about 3 years ago we went to some Mexican place that had "double decker quesadilals". But they suffed half of one, folded it in half, then put cheese and avocados on 1/4 of it, then folded it over again. I loved it and just thought one small loaded one within another big loaded one would be great, just never tried it til now, this gave me an excuse to try!

Wait, I've seen this one before...

...must be SPAM and Eggs...

...wait for it...

I think we are supposed to guess the ingredients.


Not so sure about eggs. Definitely SPAM though and a tortilla, and I guess it must have chicken. Although, I do have to wonder what or who has been marinating in tequila.

Can you marinate chicken in SPAM?

OK, ha, ha guys, I know. But what happened was that my Norton kept popping up a window asking me to allow or deny a website to access my computer. I kept clicking on deny and trying to post but it continued to pop up and I couldn't post while it was up. I must have hit submit at one point and didn't realize it. Oh well, at least I finally got it up.:becky:



I don't even know which pic I like best Chris, I think maybe you should decide, I'll let you know. But these were really, really rich and good. Thanks for looking!!!!

I like this shot personally.

.....I'm really having a tough time deciding what the fark to make.

Everything that comes to mind I'm like, "yeah, yeah, whatever".

Seeing these great entries is NOT helping.

.....I'm really having a tough time deciding what the fark to make.

Everything that comes to mind I'm like, "yeah, yeah, whatever".

Seeing these great entries is NOT helping.

You know, everything so far has been savory. Just sayin' :idea:

You know, everything so far has been savory. Just sayin' :idea:

Actually...that's the one idea I really wanted to go with. There are some technical details to work out still. If I'm lucky I'll have it going today. I don't think it can win though, even though it might just be absolutely delicious.
Cheesecake Enchilada Cherry Tortilla Crisp with Vanilla Cream

I thought I would try a sweet dish for the Tortilla Throwdown, since some incredible savory entries have been made so far.

I made up some Cheesecake filling.

I put the Cheesecake filling inside some Flour Tortillas.

There was still a little of the filling left so I spread it on top because I felt like it.

I put some Cherry Pie Filling on top of that.

Then I took some more Flour Tortillas and put them in my Blendtec and guess what...IT BLENDS!

I used the ground up Flour Tortillas in place of Flour and some of the Butter to make this Crisp topping. I thought using Tortilla in the filling would make a nice added touch for a Tortilla Throwdown.

I sprinkled the Crisp topping on top of the dish.

I put all this in the WSM at 325 with lump and a piece of Peach wood.

When it was done I let it cool for about 10 minutes...I wanted to eat it while it was still hot.

I sliced it in half to get a view of the inside and poured some Vanilla Cream over it all.

If you're wondering if it was good or not, get a brain already, of course this was good!
Very nice. Cheesecake is always a slam dunk. Nice usage of the tortilla on top. Looks great and I notice you broke out your fine "silver" for the meal :becky:
...I notice you broke out your fine "silver" for the meal :becky:
Yes indeed. That is a Fine Porcelain Coated Platinum Fork, serve on my finest fluted China plate. The table is an intricately hand carved antique outdoor patio table by Thomas Chippendale himself, but it's not worth much because he wasn't well known for tables, and there is some sort of whitish stain all over it that has developed over the years from being outside.