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Chicken Thighs on the Run....

I didn't think I was going to be able to post anything...Work has been Double Crazy!!!!!:mad: But I managed to sneak in some Grilling Time on the RedNecked Ugly DrumGrill.....
I bought two packages of Thighs and Marinated them in a Blend of the Finest Italian Dressing that money could buy at the Food Market and 1 cup of Amarito mixed with Minced Rare Expensive Mexican Kaskaskian Peppers:-D (Thanks Ashmont). Grilled with a Chimney mix of Lump, Kingsford and a Chunk of Hickory:
Some People say, "Burnt.", I say, "Flavor Enhancements.":p
The Smell and Taste are Outstanding:tongue:....
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I'm sorry, that was funny! :biggrin:

I'm changing my entry to Alligator, it's not really chicken, but it tastes like it.......:twisted:

Late entry...

Marinated chicken ( yellow bell pepper, red onion, fresh peach juice )breast wrapped in bacon sprinkled with yardbird then smoked over pecan for one hour then finished on the Weber. Served with a beer-honey-garlic mustard sauce.



I understand everyones concern on this "equipment cooked on" issue. Let me see if I can clear up any misunderstandings...

"My rules"...I can change them whenever I feel like it...get over it! :twisted:

Seriously now...I felt it was more about the "pron" than what we cooked it on. In order to conserve bandwidth for Poob I limited the number of pics to 3.

It's all about having fun...I didn't want to get all anal about it...beside...rules are meant to be bent...aren't they! :twisted:

Hey man, you're right about us having some fun and showing off to boot, which we do everyday with our cookers anyhow :mrgreen:. I just didn't notice the rule change before I started pickin' on you. Even later, I figured it was an honest omit. This certainly isn't rubbing me the wrong way.

Back on track, in my eye right now it looks like a dead heat between your fork shot and Dr KY's plated photograph
Hey man, you're right about us having some fun and showing off to boot, which we do everyday with our cookers anyhow :mrgreen:. I just didn't notice the rule change before I started pickin' on you. Even later, I figured it was an honest omit. This certainly isn't rubbing me the wrong way.

Back on track, in my eye right now it looks like a dead heat between your fork shot and Dr KY's plated photograph

No worries brother...I knew you were just joking! :biggrin:...that's why I flipped you chit right back. :twisted:'s too short !
Man this is getting good. I can't wait to see what RCS and RTD bring out. It oughtta be good. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
I hate to disappoint, but my plans off doing my chicken were foiled today (no pun intended):sad:. I have been plagued with an electrical problem on my truck that absorbed my Sunday for the most part(except for going to church and taking a afternoon nap with my wife.:icon_devil
I will postr something after while but it won't be what I intended.:rolleyes:
Great lookin pron!! all
Gonna be a hard choice again.
JD - please don't take your ball and go home. :-}
I hadn't planned on competing but, here goes I guess. No Gongs until the end please.

My first to Spatchcock's on the Cheap BGE replica (Below)

P.S. The Fatty Skinny in the background is an illusion.

Marinated Spatchcock on the plate. (Below)


Rubbed Spatchcock on Cut up on the plate.


Thanks for looking and hope I qualify. I needed some pron with the potato salad etc... I know it doesn't exist.
Time to get a better dig so I can set manually and use a high apeture and use some of photo talents gained from 10 years of studio work instead of just using my point and click.
Doc, your chicken looks good, but thats because its wrapped in PORK!!!! Kinda like having a jap, stuffed with creme chesse, and wrapped with bacon and trying to judge the jap. I'd eat it, dont get me wrong, it looks wonderful, but as Homer says..........
An even later entry

Got started late today.....marinated the chicken in italian dressing over night, seasoned with Williams BBQ seasoning and later applied a mango/habanero sauce for a glaze. i can say this for sure....this is the best lookin' chicken I have done to date.

This was done on my chargriller at a temp of 240. The beans were Bush baked beans doctored with a couple of peppers from my garden and an onion, also made some cheesy toast.

Six Chickens

i invited my dad, my brother and his wife, my sister and her husband and daughter over for some chicken. three are jerked and three are with dizzy pig tsunami spin. apple, lemon, and shallot in the cavities. smoked with alder and apple chips for 3:30 at 250-350 at the end. i also made keri's hog apple beans and cowgirl's chipotle slaw.




i invited my dad, my brother and his wife, my sister and her husband and daughter over for some chicken. three are jerked and three are with dizzy pig tsunami spin. apple, lemon, and shallot in the cavities. i also made keri's hog apple beans and cowgirl's chipotle slaw.




Damn......i just wasted a good pic......good lookin' stuff Rick!!!!:biggrin:
OH crap - I'm following Rick.....

Here is my submission this week - my first spatchcocked chicken, Left 1/2 is rubbed with Salt Lick rub (for Big Al) right is S&P (for me).
Added some potatos so we would have a "vegetable" Big Al made some ABT for a snack... All cooked on the Egg, which Big Al has named "Eggaforce"


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i invited my dad, my brother and his wife, my sister and her husband and daughter over for some chicken. three are jerked and three are with dizzy pig tsunami spin. apple, lemon, and shallot in the cavities. smoked with alder and apple chips for 3:30 at 250-350 at the end. i also made keri's hog apple beans and cowgirl's chipotle slaw.




Man you weren't chittin' about 6 chickens...:shock:
Very nice. :biggrin: