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I must say this will be a great challenge for the folks on this forum. Getting people who are used to cooking huge, juicy meat, slathered with rich sauces, creamy heavy sides and full plates will be very interesting. Cool TD category Gore!:thumb:

Fark, my mouth is watering! Who called this stupid category anyway. :mad2:
Is this nouveau old-school or old-schoo nouveau...I get confused.

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Wow, no entries yet. This is still virgin territory. I heard that it's bad luck to be the first entry.
O.K. then I'll Start

.......with some big arse Srimp, Sirloin Steaks, and some Blackeyed Peas:


.marinated in soy, sesame oil, garlic, brown sugar and white wine.......


On the grill with some K and cherry wood........


It's as fancy-smancy as I can get for the day after New Years Eve:rolleyes::sick:
Drizzled with some Grendeddy Dave's BBQ Sauce:

It was still fun and mighty tasty:thumb: Thanks for lookin'.
Wow, no entries yet. This is still virgin territory. I heard that it's bad luck to be the first entry.
I think that other Throwdown has all the virgins. But you know, I've never checked the stats to see how rewarding it is to be the first to enter, I'll have to get back with you on that. I imagine that being the first to enter is going to put you in a really tight spot however, but I'll defer to the analysis after I do some research in this particular area.

Nothing good ever comes from entering first.
Let's not be premature. Why don't we see how many entries we get before the big finish and then decide what was good or not?

I'm not posting mine until the very last minute...
So you're just going to watch until then? Does this have anything to do with that other thread where you confessed to being a post-pumper?

Personally, I think you're getting lucky by entering at all. I'm sure Chris can run the numbers to see if it's luckier to be the first to enter. Maybe it's luckier to be entering at the end.
Allright, I will probe the data about entering at the end as well.:rolleyes: At least nobody tried making this out to be anything other than a food contest.:becky:
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Can it get any better to have this Throwdown's...

(the rest of this post has been moved due to FCC censorship regulations and may or may not appear in Woodpile as penned by this author, or the creative inputs of others)
I suddenly realize, I own no fanciful plates. I may have to buy something to plate fancifully. What would be fun would be to do something with ribs or some other more familiar meat and work it Nouvelle style.
Now I remember how to enter...will it be short ribs, baby backs or scallops? Should I go Asian, perhaps kumquats, or maybe a vinegar/bourbon reduction? Perhaps it is time to break out one of my experiments, such as what I learned in trying to smoke ice cubes, or perhaps go totally 'spa' here and have no meat. Smoked Collard foam with foie gras eggplant fritters anyone? Hey, who misplaced my caviar spoon?!?!