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icemn62 said:
Good job to the TV stars of the group. The wife was sitting with me watching the tape when I got home from work. She finally asked me why did I tape a BBQ show? Then the LOGO hits the screen. She groans and I start laughing. I bet her that the Brethren win Brisket.

Bill's wife said something about a Brethren related purchase once.......She/they got 200 lbs. of peanuts......Once your better half gets to know us she'll love us :wink:
Watching the show now for the first time. Great shot of the logo. I thought there would be more Phil but I havent seen the awards presentation yet.
That was totally cool watching the Poobah and Chad going up for the best brisket prize, congratulations again brothers.
chad said:
The wood in question was the pile of Jack Daniel's barrel staves that Phil obtained from someone with a JD display!! :D

Dave, .......... About how much of that JD barrel wood did you guys use for that burn? Was there a noticable flavor from the 'Silver Bullet'. I had a trip planned to Lynchburg early last month and was going to trailer home a few barrels for just this use (They sell them at the distillary). Of course work caught up with me and that trip got postponed.
It had a noticable "flavor" to the smoke. Did it make a difference? I'm not real sure. This stuff is so hard from aging and burning that it's like splitting or cutting rock!! :D We only had a small pile of the barrl staves but we did use them in the WSMs (brisket and pork butts) along with our usual load of charcoal.
Maybe someone can pull just the Brethren clips and post them here?????
Rest of it is "filler" for the stars of the show anyway--the Brethren

My thoughts too. Since I don't know you guys, the only person pointed out by the show is Phil. Maybe ya'll can work up some stills and add circles and arrows and point out the other Brethren. That'd be cool.

Congrats guys!
Sledneck said:
It was just rerun this morning

Holy thread revivals, Batman! I was just about to argue with Bill that July 5 was on a Wednesday and not a Tuesday! Then I started to recall how these farkers sneak old threads back up top! Sheesh! :lol:
I heard I was on the show collecting my first place rib trophy. Did Rich Decker get some face time. He came in reserve didn't he ?