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Well, at least they edited out the embarrassing parts!

Phil got some "face time" and even Sharon got a couple seconds in the "crowd scene" at the awards.
I saw my chest and apron closing a turn-in box and made an appearance at the awards! :D So much for our 5 seconds of fame! :D
The most amazing part of this was that we did not even hear one word from our most famous talker: Chad. :shock: He must have been on the side, breathing. :p Finally taking our advice Dave? :wink:
As life goes.... my DVD burner got a "disc error" somewhere during the show. Didnt notice till the end. Hope someone out there got it recorded.

The Pig got a good shot smak dab full screen... for a few secs too.
I got it captured on my low tech VCR mod. This won't be much help for Bill, won't play on his Beta Max. :roll:
BBQchef33 said:
As life goes.... my DVD burner got a "disc error" somewhere during the show. Didnt notice till the end. Hope someone out there got it recorded.

The Pig got a good shot smak dab full screen... for a few secs too.

Sure did, and looked good Hos. Should get a few hits on the web from that.
I've got it on VHS.

Yeah, the banner got a nice shot!

It's funny that Zack's and Tillie's (on either side of us) got more time but WE ACTUALLY WON SOMETHING!! :D

I wish they'd shown some of the T-storm!! :twisted:
Guys congrats on the big win. Phil ya got a great face for radio! :lol: Hardest catagory, Best guys won! Way to go.
The coolest part is that they said that brisket is the toughest to get right, rightly so, and it was the one that you guys won.
BBQchef33 said:
As life goes.... my DVD burner got a "disc error" somewhere during the show. Didnt notice till the end. Hope someone out there got it recorded.

The Pig got a good shot smak dab full screen... for a few secs too.

Don't feel so bad........I set the damn VCR to EASTERN time, not thinking about Chad being in a different time zone when he said what time it was on........ :oops:
Lot's of stuff left on the cutting room floor!

Rob telling them he's the "pit bitch"
Butch getting DQ'd in brisket for being late
Phil turning around to the camera saying "this wind is really farking us up....oops!" :twisted:
Rob and Phil telling me to take a breath - hell, I'd probably have gotten us our own show! :mrgreen:
All the teams holding down their tents during the T-storm
Us telling Tillie's Revenge how to turn in a box
Jim O'Conner actually eating a piece of our chicken - straight from the BYC

It was a LONG couple of days! :D