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I was at Safeway the other day and saw they had marked
down a couple of small packages of Boneless Beef Ribs.

So...they got drafted for this throwdown.
I grilled them Hot N Fast; with a little low salt Lawry's and
some Worcestershire sauce.

On the plate with a Cottage Cheese stuffed Tomato, topped
with Blueberries...and some apple slices on the side.

The Ribs were quite tender and tasty.




Please use the picture below for the entry picture..\/\/\/\/\/


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Here's my entry.I smoked these tasty little treats on my XL BGE.They were quite tasty:-D.Anyway,please use the last pic as my throwdown entry,thanks.

Here's the raws....


Then onto the egg


They are coming along nicely here....



I decided to slice them up to make them less messy for me and the kid(mostly me):-D


They were like tiny little briskets,yummy:eusa_clap Thanks for listening:redface:
I never quite understood the concept of boneless ribs, but that's another subject. Your entry is fan-farkin-tastic! Composition and Presentation are an A+ in my book. I hate it when I can't honestly vote for myself in these things...

I does sound a little different....but; the meat is from the rib bone.
Why do they sell them that way?
I don't know....perhaps the bone was cracked or in some other way
looked bad and perhaps was unpleasing to the the butcher
removed it and just packaged the meat.....or maybe they can charge
more because it is boneless....I don't know....just guessing.
Master was taking a well deserved break, but luckily I (Gore) was able to assemble my crack team of sous-chefs to work on this throwdown.


Note that I also received some Foil Hat rub from Bigabyte to try out. The ingredients of this rub are as secret as the identity of my primary sous-chef. Without Master's help, I need all the help I can get. I ordered two small racks of ribs from my local butcher and seasoned:


These were smoked low and slow for about six hours on the Primo Oval. Here they are after saucing:


I then asked my trusty sous chef Ninja Squirrel to slice and arrange them on the plate:


And here is the final result:


We had a few guests over and the consensus was "yum."
Master was taking a well deserved break, but luckily I (Gore) was able to assemble my crack team of sous-chefs to work on this throwdown.



We had a few guests over and the consensus was "yum."

After all of the different entries, from all the other Throwdowns; it seems
as if Gore may have invented a new type of cooking.....could it be called
Gore-B-Q ?
For this throwdown I tried something a bit different. I began with boneless beef ribs. I know it sounds like one of those "Turkey Bacon" things, sacrilegious. Ribs, ... without the bone! What will they think of next?


I seasoned these and smoked on the Primo Oval for 5 hours:


Meanwhile I put together some onion rolls. This recipe is like making cinnamon buns, but inside I put in fried shallots:


And cooked they look beautiful


I shredded the meat in big chunks


and put together my sandwich with an anchoa sauce, fried onions, and added some homemade sweet potato fries and a beer for my husband.

Hmmmmm.....I guess that the "E" in ecode stands for "Excellent" as that
sandwich does look that way.

However; I can only wonder what would have happened if you had put
the shredded Rib meat on the dough of the Onion Rolls and cooked them
that way....would that have been a.... Rib Sandwich Wellington?
I'll toss these here in for lookin at

The Wench said " quit you bicthin' 'bout wanting beef ribs and do something". I ain't 'bout t' disobey her - again. But there weren't no shorty ribs nowheres so I did some dadburn back ribs. Still might good eats.

Here they be on the POS smoker with an itty-bitty 3lb ham (ran over the neighbor girls lil' potbelly squealler) and one of the lil' 5lb sweet taters the Wench grew out by the power plant waste dump (the one that glows at night).


Here's some on the fancy table out in the summer kitchen


That there last picture is my fav-or-ite one for others to see. --- BillyG