Backyard BBQers show your smokers


I thinned the Herd last few Months. Down to BoomShuckaLucka, Fantasia, SinLee, Weber Kettle and the Fire pit..... :shock: ......oh and the 8-9 yr Old Masterbuilt Electric that I don't even know if it still works.........

The remaining ones must be getting paranoid wondering if you're going to axe them next.
Finally sold that homemade insulated cabinet?

Yep the guy who bought one of my T-bone drum smokers bought it. also sold the smokehouse - didn’t really want to but it’s pretty much the same as BoomShuckaLucka and the guy came by trying to buy it about 4-5 times so I finally sold it to him. And the city stop by And was bitching about all the smokers in the driveway......

The smokehouse sale bought me a couple boat batteries and a three bank on board charger and a cpl New Rods so that was cool - Eased my pain a bit.
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Down to four on the patio. High of 15-17
