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Just teasing you Leonard. I better watch the teasing though, I am camped right next to you. I will have to sleep with one eye open..:mrgreen:

He can do it!
Come on up Bentley---I gotta extra kilt that would fit you.
We don't have a boat or an inner tube---so you are safe

There isint enough wool in Scotland for that!

I was looking at MapQuest last night, 452.62 from Pasadena to Oroville. I figure with the hammer down 5 1/2 to 6 hours. Man, I just drove to Fresno last weekend, gotta drive their again in 3 weeks for Clovis and then a month after that to Patterson for Q-fest North. I am gettin to Old Lenoard, 20 years ago, I would not have cared! Sure would like to see you, I do love the bagpipes! Absoluty no sound like them in the world!

See Southworst has round trip for $125, rental car and gas for another $100...Ya never know, I may suprise you and show up!
If you decide to surprise us call ahead. I can arrange for a redneck limo to pick you up at Sacramento airport. I have several "Towncars" and you could use one up here.Thus saving on rental car. ("Towncar" is a car that breaks down if you take it outta town)

If not I will see you in Patterson at Q-Fest
We are on 30 day countdown for our Northern California "Oinktoberfest." If you have not reserved a camping spot please let me know. You can also come for one day if you do not want to camp. There are also nearby motels for non campers. PM me with any questions.
Tommy, just remember, once they get to Oroville they loose most of their teeth so they don't bite too hard!

I was referring to anybody or anything that comes to Oroville! Sorry, I should have included a smiley face.

20 day countdown until the "Oinktoberfest Bash" In Oroville California
and State of Jefferson

If anyone needs UDS drums we will have some at the Bash Oct 9th, 1oth, and 11th.
Bad News at Work Today

Had a 3 hour meeting with leadership today and in the midst of it was assigned to visit South Dakota to work with a team on a business proposal beginning October 7 and through the weekend.

I'm so farking disappointed about this because I had already started tying flies to wrestle steelhead, and eat, drink, and watch a dude bagpipe. More importantly I'm bummed because I had committed to SoCal Brian to drive him up and it's now in the chitter. I also corresponded with Chuckwagon offline and planned to do pork bellies filipino style which are actually a damn big hit anywhere I do them.

I've tried to get out of these business trips before, blaming pre-arranged travel. It doesn't work, they have me compile the expenses and reimburse in full. This sucks arse because although I have traveled in some time and have been itching to go, this is totally wrong.

F-me, I'm really sorry folks and I'll PM Brian in case he doesn't catch this sooner. I hope he's still able to make it up.