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Crud, I typed a reply in here a bit ago. When I posted it, the site was down. Apparently my reply got lost. Shame, too. It was the greatest reply I've ever typed and would have been the best and funniest you've ever read. Darn.

How's the cook coming?
Crud, I typed a reply in here a bit ago. When I posted it, the site was down. Apparently my reply got lost. Shame, too. It was the greatest reply I've ever typed and would have been the best and funniest you've ever read. Darn.

How's the cook coming?

You been listening to Tenacious D lately Chambers, or what? FESS UP!
OW and slow. OW? Did ya cut your finger, burn yourself, or something?

Or, did you mean LOW and slow?


Hang in's worth it. Unless you're Shane. Cooking a brisket.
I was just reading that a man in Breckendridge, Mich. has had Bigfoot wandering around his Michigan property for more than a decade and stealing pizza. Better keep your eyes open tonight.
A man in Texas claims to have shot Bigfoot using pork ribs from Wal-Mart doused in his special BBQ sauce and attached to trees as bait. Do you have any leftovers?