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I have been using a stainless steel scrubber pad such as the one linked below:

If you do insist on using a wire brush to remove grit from the grate, do an inspection of the grates after using the brush. Or better yet, use that scrubber pad afterwards to insure the removal of any wire that may have been left behind. Once you do find a stray wire on your grate after cleaning it, do NOT use that wire brush for grate cleaning again. It's like going bald, as another wire will fall out again.

My attitude about not getting rid of a wire brush that was shedding changed when I had to remove a wire that had pierced my eight year-old son's tongue. It has been over twenty years past, but he still reminds me about that incident every now and then.
Thanks for posting this.
I've been grilling and smoking for much of my life and had never heard of this. I've used wire brushes to clean my grill grates all along.
I suppose I need to rethink this.

I was looking for a safer grill brush when I came across it. Was thinking about a blacksmith brush. It says it's a butcher block brush.